Clerks 2:The Passion of the Clerks


thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you thank youthank you thank you thank you

We can't stop here!
I didn't think it was real until I looked at the link. **** yeah! It's about time for another Clerks.
Sorry if I mispell alot of words, I painted my keyboard black to match my computer and monitor and theres no letters on the keys anymore. I'm too lazy to spell check sometimes.

ObiWanShinobi's Avatar
District B13
I'm going to get alot of crap for this, but I think it's time for Kevin Smith to move onto the superhero genre like he was going to originally with superman.

You all laugh, he did a green arrow comic which was one of the best I've ever read.

Plus his humor is funny, and his dialogue good, but when will it get old?

Jersey Girl was a big letdown, lets not get our hopes too high for clerks.

Then again, mall rats is on my top ten list of all time, so who am I to act like I know what I'm talking about.