Spaceballs Joke


Dark Helmet orders the ship go to ludicrous speed, allowing it to catch up with and overtake Lonestar and Barf. As it speeds past, it appears to be covered in strange, tartan-like fabric and Barf says "They've gone to plaid!" or something very similar.
What the hell does this mean?

No it isn't.

How is plaid funny?

The Adventure Starts Here!
It might help to know that Mel Brooks often refers to his style of humor as "shotgun." What he means is that he usually fires off a whole bunch of small jokes back to back to back all at once (or so it seems), none of which by themselves would be all that funny, but which taken in rapid succession can do serious funny bone damage.

He said also that, if you hurl that many jokes at once, if a bunch miss their target, it's okay because there are others that will hit dead-on.

So, we've now spent more time on that one teensy one-line joke than Mr. Brooks would ever have wanted anyone to spend on it, I'm sure.

I know a lot of people who say anything that comes to mind.
They make you laugh a lot but more often make you want to cringe.
A lot of movies do this: BASEketball, Mel Brooks movies, Dude Wheres my Car, Scary Movie...
I think these are funny movies but only every fifth joke or so really works.
My friends and I call this "counting the funniness"
If a movie is like that we say, "Yeah, its good and all, but you can count the funniness."

I loved the movie too, I own it in fact.
But, there are some jokes that were just too easy, and I'd be ashamed to make them. You can count the funniness.