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Really? I am a bit confuzzled by this statement? Mainly, what genre are you in reference to? The giant monster genre?
Yessir, mainly. That and large-scale disaster films.

If so, The Host is a far more elegant, far more graceful, far more restrained piece of filmmaking.
Ironically enough, my girlfriend and I were making this exact comparison just last night. We both liked The Host quite a bit, and while it might be more elegant (and it's certainly more graceful), I wouldn't call it restrained, exactly. I'm referring mainly to when and how you see the monster, and the temptation in any creature feature to, well, show you the thing in all its glory again and again.

The one way I think The Host matches Cloverfield in terms of restraint is its refusal to broaden its scope and become about the world's reaction to the event. It stays closed-off, which I liked.

So, I admire The Host for many reasons, but its restraint isn't really one of them; we see the monster early and often. I'm not saying you have to go the Jaws route to make a good, tense monster film; just that I admire films that have the self-control to be about incredible things, yet still portion out how we get to observe them.

So, to those who have seen it, I have a theory to run by you...


What do you guys think?
WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
When Rob, Beth and Hud witness a helicopter attacking the creature, the creature then leaps out of the smoke and swipes at the helicopter, causing it to crash in Central Park.

Now, As for a second creature, it did look somewhat smaller. Don't forget, we were looking up at it as it was looking somewhat down on Hud. Getting ready to attack.

One thing though, if it was going to eat him why not eat him up instead of just kill him?

ADMIN EDIT: please use spoiler tags!

In case anyone's interested, estimates have Cloverfield making over $16 million on Friday. Though it's definitely going to be front-loaded, that's almost half its budget, so it figures to be plenty profitable even if it drops off quickly.

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
I agree with you on your assessment on the perspective regarding Hud...
WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
(which, curiously enough, is a homophone for the abbreviation, H.U.D., or "heads up display") didn't eat him perhaps for the same reason sharks don't "eat" or finish off surfers- tastes bad I guess.

Okay...can anyone see my post in the spoilers tag? It won't show up after I post it. I don't know what's wrong with it. Any ideas, Yoda?

Will your system be alright, when you dream of home tonight?
I agree with you on your assessment on the perspective regarding Hud...
WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
(which, curiously enough, is a homophone for the abbreviation, H.U.D., or "heads up display") didn't eat him perhaps for the same reason sharks don't "eat" or finish off surfers- tastes bad I guess.

Okay...can anyone see my post in the spoilers tag? It won't show up after I post it. I don't know what's wrong with it. Any ideas, Yoda?
I see it,
I used to be addicted to crystal meth, now I'm just addicted to Breaking Bad.
Originally Posted by Yoda
If I were buying a laser gun I'd definitely take the XF-3800 before I took the "Pew Pew Pew Fun Gun."

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
Refresh the page. It might not work if you post it with the Quick Reply and try to use it right then. It works fine for me.
I'm seeing it now. I went "Advanced" when I posted so I'm not sure what I did.

Thanks everyone.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
I haven't seen the movie yet (maybe later today) but I think I liked the fake fan concepts of the monster better than the one in the gif image. Looks too humanoid for something that big.

Maybe I'll change my mind when I see the movie.
Fear the Probe!

I haven't seen the movie yet (maybe later today) but I think I liked the fake fan concepts of the monster better than the one in the gif image. Looks too humanoid for something that big.

Maybe I'll change my mind when I see the movie.
oh you will, that gif doesn't do it any justice.

love this movie, seen it twice already. when somebody asks me what it looks like, you really can't explain...cept crazy, awesome or "terrible".

WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
Interesting theory Yoda, though I think they had so much ariel view of the city I think somebody; like the military people or news stations would have seen multiple monsters and refer to it as "targets" rather than "target" (after the chopper crashes). I noticed the some what inconsistance of the monsters look, I think it may just be due to the fact that every view is unique and the monster itself seems very complex. I had a theory that it just evolves rapidly throughout the movie. It seems to be like a 3, 4 creatures in 1.
Knowledge speaks, but wisdom listens. ~ Jimi Hendrix

And I made a point to sit a bit farther back, which probably helped.
Definitely a good idea, another that I employ during these shake fests is to actually try and focus in the center of the screen and almost try to look through the screen. That way I'm able to immerse myself in what's happening, which I'm pretty sure is what they were going for, I mean let's face it, A big portion of the film is almost unwatchable when you're staring right at it. My girl was getting a little woozy and that bothered me some while I was trying to enjoy it. It's tough to fully enjoy something when a loved one is holding back the barf.

Aaaannnny way, I'm glad I saw it in the theater, this is a movie I will most likely never own, there's just no way that will translate onto the small screen. Similar to Blair Witch Project, I'm glad I saw both of them in the theater but I doubt I'll have a really whopping need to see it again. I really love what they did and I appreciate it. But It's more than a little hard to watch.

I will say though that the monster was more than a little cool, and would hope that they do well enough Box office wise so that perhaps we can get a sequel with more monster. I'm a monster romantic I want the monster to win and it certainly appears it was doing just that. They certainly left about 5 or 6 different ways they could go if and when there is a sequel, sheesh! Talk about lack of closure. I knew it was going to end that way being a Blair Witch vet but I was holding out hope for just a little more at the end. I was hoping for maybe some news footage or something to that effect, just to let us know what the end result was. But perhaps that was they're intent all along so their would be enough interest to make another one. I guess we'll just have to wait and see on that end.
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

One things for sure...the cam corder they were using has to be the most durable known to man.

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
OK, just saw it and I gotta say I did like it.

The shakey-cam was a little annoying in the beginning but after awhile I either got used to it or they wised up and didn't shake it so much.

The monster was definately not as humanoid as the gif-clip suggests, it was just the angle of the camera as it walked above the guy.
Those smaller parasitic critters were pretty damn freaky as well. Maybe even more so considering how they behaved in the movie and what happens when they attack you.

One thing I'd like to see is an actual cinimatic version of the movie now instead of the handy-cam point-of-view we saw.
I wanna know the real story behind the monster and see the actual story unfold that way to understand the whole thing.
The P.O.V film we saw did have a sense of realism to it being shot that way but let's see the real deal done like a normal action/monster movie.

I just know they're coming to kill me.
I just saw this film for the second time. It was worth it again to me. Perhaps a trifecta? We'll see.

Anywho, this wasn't mentioned in this forum, nor do I think was it mentioned in the other ones regarding this film, but here is my theory (which I'm sure has been stated on multiple forums already by other internet users) on how the monster came to be, given the information left for me to decipher from the film's viral marketing scheme:

WARNING: "My "Cloverfield" Monster Theory:" spoilers below
If you followed the film's viral campaign, you will know of the site that was called Tagruato, a Japanese company that was known for its deep-sea drilling operations and its subsidy company, Slusho!, their famous drink that has everyone going for it. Another website, called, told the tale of a girl named Jamie making video blogs for her boyfriend, who went away to go work for Tagruato, much like Rob was going to do in the actual film. Now, there was also an eco-terrorist organization that called themselves T.I.D.O. Wave, and they were bent on brining down Tagruato and its CEO, Ganu Yoshida, who they claim is laying destruction to the ocean with their deep-sea drillings. They are blamed, but the organization denies it, of attacking a deep-see drilling location.

The dates would have helped me coincide with the film's time line and such, but now they are shut down, assuming to tie in with the film. But anywho, Tagruato has just opened up a new deep-sea drilling post in the Atlantic, not too far off the coast of Manhattan, called "Chuai Station". This was the station that was attacked. Actual "new coverage" of the event can be found on this list of search results pertaining to it on YouTube. If you watch the English video, right at the beginning when the oil rig starts to go down, pay close attention to the bottom left pillar - the tail of the creature seems to wrap around it. Also, its familiar roar can be heard during the video showing the inside of the oil rig. Either its that, or its just the metal crumbling under pressure. And, for the end, when bit and pieces of the rig fly back up into the sky... c'mon. What else could have possibly had launched those parts into the air? Also, in the Spanish news segment, extended video shows that there are Asian passengers on the helicopter, the one holding the briefcase shows it being attached to his wrist via handcuffs. What's in the Asian businessman's briefcase, and why is it handcuffed to him, and why is he over the site in a helicopter that a company owns both of that he most likely works for? More on that in the end. Each country's coverage of the incident reveals more and more of the oil rig's sinking, so check them all out of it you want. They each carry in them their own evidence. Tagruato claimed the sinking to have been done by T.I.D.O., and T.I.D.O. states that Tagruato blew up their own digging site for whatever reasons. Then Jamie gets a package from her boyfriend, which contained a tinfoil wrap up saying "Primary Evidence - Jamie, Don't Eat This" and a tape player of Terry going that Tagruato has captured him because he really knows what they're drilling for, and then the tape cuts off. Jamie tries calling the company, but they deny the existance of one Terry Hanson.

So... where does this all tie in with the creature? Jamie ignores Terry's warning, and takes a very small dip of the substance he told her not to eat and eats it. Instantly, she feels a sudden trip, dizziness almost, and the video ends. My theory proposes that what Terry sent Jamie is either the blood or toxin from the monter or little monsters itself, and that Tagruato was actually drilling that substance from the creature itself. The girl who dies in the film from getting bit from the little monster helps this - she took a big bite, thus taking in a lot of venom, a deadly amount. Jamie just took a minute sampling, enough to cause the effects instantly but not enough to kill her. The blood or toxin taken from the creature is then put into Slusho, after it has been de-toxified, but still good enough for people to really enjoy it. All this was kept top secret, as seen in the news video with the Asian having the briefcase handcuffed to his hands. Tagurato wanted to keep their fine and real drilling operations a secret from the world, and from T.I.D.O., for they would have exposed them. As for the attack on that station, remember the crash in the ocean that people mentioned you can see in the film? Tagruato's website mentioned that a satellite of theirs had fallen to Earth - was this what we saw? I believe it was, and although I don't know how it could, I feel that this is what woke up the monster, and caused it to attack the drilling station, because, after all, it was probably in some sort of pain, given that Tagruato had been drilling into its skin, so it attacked out of anger. Either that, or it was a very large part of the oil rig suddenly re-surfacing.

Also, for those of you wondering why the monster attacked New York... I feel it's because of the oil liner that was torn up by the Statue of Liberty. For a very brief second, you can make out the Tagruato logo on the ship. Connection? I think so, although I'm not sure how. Did it somehow follow the ship, or was it because Tagruato's CEO himself was stated to come to America on a four day visit that would encompass him being in New York on January 18th. Obviously in the film, the events take place in May, so I feel that this was just a marketing scheme for the viral's to drool over, but still, a lot of people felt he was coming to New York to check out the monster wreaking havoc on it. For whatever reasons, the answers are all up in the air. Better pay close attention to this Manga tie-in with the film to get more answers, or questions, of the mystery behind that of Cloverfield. Also, when Yoshida was on his way here, or he may have already been here, I'm not too sure with the sites being down, he was attacked by T.I.D.O. agents, who were trying to pour a liquid over his head, but they failed and he fought them off with no damage. Was this liquid possibly the toxin taken from the creature?

I know my theory is long and may have some holes in it. I'm confused too - what happens to someone after they explode? Do they give birth to a new creature, like in Alien, or is that the full extent of the toxin acting as a defense mechanism? At any rate, I think it's an interesting theory, and certainly not one that hasn't been mentioned already. If anyone has any more evidence pertaining to it, be sure to post - I'd like to read it.
Everything I do, I do to make my second stepdad proud.

Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright
First off, sorry to MovieMaker, I didn't read your post... it was too long for me to go through at 2:30 in the morning, but I did want to make a post about my thoughts on the movie;

Second, I've seen the movie once, but plan on seeing it again tomorrow (ummm today I guess actually), which says a lot about it actually, as I don't really see many movies in the theater, let alone the same one twice... also, it was obvious how much people had gotten absorbed in what was happening, when I realized it took a good 20 - 25 seconds after the credits started for anyone in the theater to really do or say anything.

I think Yoda hit it exactly right in his review (kudos to you on that said review too, very well written), especially talking about the monster itself. It really was elegant, yet terrifying, and like others have said, I really don't know how to describe it... one thing I thought of was just to say that they must have gotten a team of conceptual artists together, told them to make a monster creation of their own... the top 3 renditions were chosen, and they were told to then combine them all into one big monster. The CGI work of the monster had to of been tough... even though you don't get to see it a whole lot, or get much of a full view of it, to have such an amazing looking creature able to integrate so well into the film just blew me away.

The first person POV of the camcorder thing was done so well. Like others here, it took me a bit to get used to it, but once I did, I really felt like I was Hud going along with them. There were a few times when I questioned whether it made sense for him to have kept holding the camera, but I went with the idea that he was using it as sort of a lifeline to something real, and normal, while everything around him was becoming so unreal.

One (sort of) issue with the movie though; the camcorder they used... I want to know where I can get one of those! The abuse it took was pretty impressive, but beyond that, what the heck kind of batteries was it using? Unless I'm way off, which is possible since I don't own a camcorder myself, there is no way the batteries could have lasted all that time...

WARNING: "spoilsport ahead!" spoilers below
...especially with the addition of turning on the light, and then the night vision light, while they were in the subway...

...but honestly, that just doesn't matter, it would be silly to really think that detracts from the movie, and I don't think it does... its just something to point out...

If you have thought at all about seeing this, go... you will be glad you did... but take the advice about sitting farther back in the theater. There were definitely a few times when you could get pretty dizzy with the way it was shaking around.

One last thing. I saw it at night, and when I went outside after the movie, everything just felt a little... weird... I was hearing all the normal sounds; traffic on the highway, police or ambulance sirens in the distance, all the things you would expect... but everything felt almost... ominous I guess the right word is. It really is hard for me to explain. It wasn't like an adrenaline rush feeling... maybe someone else who has seen it had the same sort of feeling and could explain it better then me here. The only reason I mention it, especially since I can't really explain it, is simply because the feeling was there in the first place. I got sucked into the movie so well that it stayed with me long enough to evoke those feelings of things just being "odd".
The Divide by Zero Foundation - Where the real world ends... and mine begins

Sci-Fi-Guy's Avatar
Beware The Probe!
One last thing. I saw it at night, and when I went outside after the movie, everything just felt a little... weird... I was hearing all the normal sounds; traffic on the highway, police or ambulance sirens in the distance, all the things you would expect... but everything felt almost... ominous I guess the right word is...
I got sucked into the movie so well that it stayed with me long enough to evoke those feelings of things just being "odd".
Same thing with me.

I was looking up at the skyscrapers thinking, "What would a giant /prehistoric/alien/terror look like crushing that building right now...?
And where would a safe place be to run?

One of the best movies to come out in YEARS.

And I almost didn't see it. I really had no interest in seeing it with my group. But there wasn't anything else playing around the same time I really wanted to see. So take my advice and see it.

WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
Apparently - I missed this, but my partner saw it - something falls down into the ocean at Coney Island during the last scene on the videotape. Anyone else notice it?

Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright
One of the best movies to come out in YEARS.

And I almost didn't see it. I really had no interest in seeing it with my group. But there wasn't anything else playing around the same time I really wanted to see. So take my advice and see it.

WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
Apparently - I missed this, but my partner saw it - something falls down into the ocean at Coney Island during the last scene on the videotape. Anyone else notice it?
I didn't see what you mentioned in the spoiler part, but it has been mentioned on other boards. I'm heading out to see it again in a hour and will be sure to take a look...

One of the best movies to come out in YEARS.

WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
Apparently - I missed this, but my partner saw it - something falls down into the ocean at Coney Island during the last scene on the videotape. Anyone else notice it?
Yes I have...

Originally Posted by Jrs
WARNING: "Cloverfield" spoilers below
At the final few seconds of the film, particularly as the camera is fixed out to the ocean at Coney Island...If you look at the ocean, out in the distant on the right hand side, you can see “something” crash into the water at a very steep angle.
Originally Posted by Tatanka
Hud...which, curiously enough, is a homophone for the abbreviation, H.U.D. or "heads up display"
Actually, Hud is short for Hudson

Oh and one more thing, here's a bigger gif image of the clovr monster.