Chernobyl (HBO Mini Series)


We've gone on holiday by mistake

Let the night air cool you off
The music in this series is on point. It really helps set the cold Soviet mood for you. It's a little experimental and reminded me of Under the Skin a little bit, in that it just makes you feel like even the people who live are going to die anyway. Maybe there is a little bit of recency bias here, but I currently think this is the fourth best thing HBO has ever made. Only The Sopranos, The Wire, and the first season of True Detective are better.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
In all seriousness this is a great series but it's borderline too much to experience.

Yeah, I heard - after trying with Russian accents all over - that it didn't work, because too many of the actors and actresses focused on getting the accent right and thereby ruining their performance. The cast were much more authentic without it.
That’s what I recently read too. I wasn’t bothered by the accents or lack thereof at all.

Nobody here, I think, mentioned the special effects from the makeup department. Yikes, I could hardly look at some of the actors in the hospital. Ghastly way to die.

Very very sad when they show the animals being killed. Barry Keoghan so good as the emotionless rookie. Hard to watch & then it’s in my mind forever.

Interesting that Stellan Skarsgård & Emily Watson were in Breaking the Waves together. An entirely different production.

Jared Harris made the show for me. He’s always perfect.
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