The Official WWE Wrestling Thread. All Things Pro Wrestling.


That's a pretty misleading title. "POTENTIAL" doesn't mean positive. He passed three tests just days before the failed one. Can be a false positive. Not saying he is innocent but he hasn't been found guilty yet either.

Anybody see TNA's The Final Deletion? That's some of the greatest stuff I've ever seen. The Aftermath was just as brilliant.

Kevin Sullivan, who was a longtime refutted devil worshiper, finally comes clean how it was all a gimmick lol!
Hes talking about late 70s early 80s Florida Championship Wrestling where he started it. Hes referring to Mark, thats Mark Lewin who used to be the "Purple Haze"

Oh my gosh, how hilarious - he was role playing the gimmick out in public because it was the Kayfabe era.....,

Anyone Watch The Stone Cold Pod Cast With Dean Ambrose. It was funny how laid back ambrose was when there is not a match and his easy laid back nature bugged Austin allot. Im guessing Austin has not met enough Football players who are calm until there is game. I think Ambrose is that way.

Anyone Watch The Stone Cold Pod Cast With Dean Ambrose. It was funny how laid back ambrose was when there is not a match and his easy laid back nature bugged Austin allot. Im guessing Austin has not met enough Football players who are calm until there is game. I think Ambrose is that way.
He mightve been loaded and Steve got annoyed.

I think its was more the fact that he is clean now but he use too use and maybe was trying too avoid answering illegal questions or maybe Austin and older wrestlers hate that some wrestlers are so at easy and dont carry that chip on these shoulder all the time. I dont think ambrose was loaded . I just think he laid back like most people says he is when he is not in a match. I liked that Ambrose said Lesnar does not work a match well.

I think its was more the fact that he is clean now but he use too use and maybe was trying too avoid answering illegal questions or maybe Austin and older wrestlers hate that some wrestlers are so at easy and dont carry that chip on these shoulder all the time. I dont think ambrose was loaded . I just think he laid back like most people says he is when he is not in a match. I liked that Ambrose said Lesnar does not work a match well.

Its funny that the most legit tough guy in the WWE is the furthest thing from a ring general. He knows how to draw money though, nobody outside of WWE fans know who Ambrose is, and probably never will. Maybe Austin felt the kid was lacking respect, Idk I didnt hear it.

I think Austin was a bit floored that Dean and Vince have a good working relationship and they let dean go off script and Dean has some grapefruits too say Brock is a lazy in a match and wants too do certain things.

Well he can still be champ because Backlash is a smackdown pay per view. But likely they will do a Bryan and do some rigged match so Rollins will beat whom ever tonight in main event match.



Best Wrestler.
''Haters are my favourite. I've built an empire with the bricks they've thrown at me... Keep On Hating''
- CM Punk

Rumors are circulating that HHH in this story angle will do a deal too get Randy Orton back too Raw with Shane behind Stephanie and current GM s back Mick Foley where he would claim Randy Orton for Cersaro and Neville and a Gimpy Sammy Zayn in a phantom trade at backlash maybe.