Film about vampires bullying kid


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I watched this movie maybe 10 or so years ago. It is about a young man in his late teens or early 20's who I believe is new to a small town. He is regularly bullied by a group throughout the movie that turns out to be vampires. At the end of the movie he finally stands up and fights the vampire group. It is not until then, that you find out he is a werewolf. I believe he is victorious over the vampires. My memory is kind of vague, as I only watched it once. I have searched everywhere to try and find this movie with the limited info I have, but have had zero luck. I can not remember any of the cast in the movie or I would have probably found it by now. If this rings a bell to anyone, please let me know. Thanks in advance!!

So the first thing I think of reading this description is actually an episode of the show Being Human.

Russell Tovey's character is a werewolf. There's a scene where he's being picked on by a gang of vampires.

EDIT: Here's the episode. The attack on the werewolf character starts about a minute into the video.

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It is not The Lost Boys!