Thank you - this is fun. I use Tor as well when need be. Perks of job. I may be overly optimistic, but I do think they’ll be found sooner or later. And for once I agree with The Guardian (never thought I’d say that) in that it’s a kind of hubris on his part.
Have you ever seen his website? It's beyond ego, and it seems he's upfront (unlike others) about a love for money, so maybe if someone offers him a great financial deal, it's possible. But he also seems very stubborn, too. He said in an interview how "The Brown Bunny" ruined his life, and how he wishes it was never released. I wonder what his thinking was. "Buffalo '66" had a hell of a cast, and I'm surprised it's not more popular than it is. I'm curious how he got Ben Gazzarra, Christina Ricci, Mickey Rourke, Rosanne Arquette, Jan (he just passed away), and a few others. I don't even know if it made money. But some will then make their 2nd movie self-indulgent, hoping he acquires enough fans so many would see it, and it seems like they did, but for all the wrong reasons (un-simulated oral sex). I think politics is a big reason, because he was the only one back then who liked George W. Bush, and actually said he came on Stern for that reason. I think W. is the worst, but I like people who go against the grain, as long as they do it in a fascinating way.
If "Promises..." and "April" were a bigger productions, it's possible one (out of many) could leak it online, and then so many have it that there's no way to erase it. I know Sage Stallone is in "Promises..." and maybe Sly buys the distribution rights (I have no idea how that all works) but I've searched many times.. I've found some interviews (compilations) that are not on YouTube, and so I try to make sure I have them on multiple hard drives because I've lost information many times.. Just a week ago, I lost 28 journals to mold/water damage when I was in Europe, Australia, Asia... even a journal I kept when I was 15.