Season One, Ep 20. It was weird seeing Tina getting in trouble for her luck because I was just thinking that she never looked hotter. "My parents won't even let me watch mom thinks Kristina Stewart is a bitch." Kurt looks like he's in heaven at the thought of living with Finn and his mom. LOVED that suit Kurt was wearing in that scene. Manwhore Puck doesn't know who Lady GaGa is? How can Vocal Adrenaline sing in those costumes? Idina's "Funny Girl" was fantastic but I don't see what that song has to do with what she was saying to Vocal Adrenaline. I wonder if Idina was ever approached about the Funny Girl revival before Beanie Feldstein and Lea. she'd be a fantastic Fanny. You could see that Rachel is terrified seeing that her mother didn't become a huge star and that it might be genetic. The way Shelby left that scene was SO selfish, I felt bad for Rachel, a rarity so far. Loved her and Kurt's GaGa costumes. The "Bad Romance" number was fantastic. Those football players really need to get a life. This gay bashing is so 1970's. The GLEE boys nailed KISS. Dijon Talton actually got a line in this episode. He tried to hide it, but Kurt was thrilled when Finn told him that those guys think he and Finn are lovers. I can't believe Kurt doesn't know how uncomfortable he is making Finn. Will doesn't need to be interfering with Rachel and Shelby. I can't believe Kurt would think Finn would be comfortable with that bedroom. Mike O'Malley was brilliant when Burt stepped up for his son?
Gideon does GLEE
Season One, Ep 21. Jonathan Groff and Vocal Adrenaline were great on "Another One Bites the Dust." They TP'd the choir room/ Not too childish. Why did it look like W\ill is regretting his decision to divorce Terri. The idea of Puck and Finn teaming up is intriguing. I laughed out loud when Sue said Lincoln was the first gay POTUS. Why do they keep bringing Sandy back? That character has worn out its welcome. "I'm so depressed I wore the same outfit twice this week." Loved everyone laughing at Quinn about wanting to be funky. You just know that Quinn is going to bring it. "You destroy the heart of a team's heart and you destroy the team." Not sure what Will was trying to do with "Tell Me Something Good". Whatever it was, apparently it didn't work. "But this is all the pink we have?" How am I supposed to shop without my Kenny G?" "Something strange happened yesterday, I felt something below the neck." This whole Will seducing Sue thing is turning my stomach. "I have this compulsive need to crush other people's dreams." Finn and Terri? Seriously? Dianna Aragon didn't make me sick with "It's a Man's World." Loved her pregnant chorus girls. I liked Puck and Finn's "Good Vibrations" than that other number they did. Will is being so weird about this funk assignment, as always, his assignments are vague and then he gets upset when they don't nail it. "I don't even like you and I was willing to jump at the chance to be with you." Will considers what he did with Sue "destroying" her? The ego on this guy. I cannot believe Jessie did that to Rachel. "we're about to go all Braveheart on Vocal Adrenaline." "Even your breath stinks of mediocrity." This episode should have been on Jane Lynch's Emmy reel. OK, I liked "We Want the Funk" but I don't understand how that was supposed to hurt Vocal Adrenaline.
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I have to admit, I didn't think we'd ever get here, but we're finally at the Season One Finale. Loved when Sue said his hair looked like a briar patch. They got me with Quinn's dream. It's like they all walked a thousand miles only to get punched in the stomach?" Emma and the dentist...ok. Whether or not Emma and the dentist have had sex is none of Will's business. I want to see what happens with Quinn because, if memory serves, she was written off at season one. Will's speech was so corny. Why are the judges in the audience? Loved the shot about Finn's dancing. Cory and Lea sounded really ice on "Faithfully." Well I see Nya finally got solo in 'Don't Stop Believing." Why isn't Quinn's father in the audience? Who would cheat on Charlotte Ross? Sorry, I love Jonathan Groff, but he's no Freddie Mercury. Liked the choreography though. Shelby is really coming off as rather insensitive. She says she missed out with Rachel, but I don't see a lot of remorse there. Can't believe Olivia Newton-John was mad only one group sang one of their songs. I love them making Olivia Newton-John a bitch for this episode. I knew Vocal Adrenaline was going to win because New Directions needs something to aim for for the next five seasons. Why was Emma getting so emotional about all this? OMG, Dijon Talton was finally allowed to speak! "To Sir with Love" was a little syrupy choice for a finale, but it was well performed. I had a feeling sue voted for New Directions. After everything that she's done, Sue softening during the finale just doesn't ring true. I could have lived without "Over the Rainbow."
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And now the second season opener. Why do we have to start season 2 with Jacob, the show's most annoying character. Mark Salling looks amazing in this episode. Jacob did have a point about Will rapping. "How do you get the white on rice." The first appearance of Dot Marie Jones as Coach Beiste. "You're all coffee and no omelette. They actually addressed the firing of Dijon Talton, which is silly because they never gave the guy a chance. Liked the number on the school steps though it's motivation was a little muddy, at least to the students watching the number. Loved that somebody wrote Buttface McBall Nuts on Will's sign up sheet. Sue and Will teaming up again Beiste...nothing good can come of this. Chord Overstreet's naked debut as Sam Evans. Love when people talk to people who can't speak English think English is understandable if you speak slower and louder. That was kind of cool number Rachel and that girl were doing until it was interrupted by Sue, which actually was funny. Sending Beiste pizzas? That's the best Will and Sue could come up with? "Being gay isn't a handicap, Artie." No argument with Tina about Harry Shum's abs. "Dude, your mouth is many tennis balls can you fit in there?" Who belongs to that song "Billionaire"? Sunshine doesn't deserve whatever Rachel has planned for her. Loved Puck's joke about Helen Keller. Why does Artie think being on the football team will get Tina back? Glad to see Quinn is still with the show. Finn's audition for the Cheerios was the funniest thing EVER!! It's weird that Sue has issues with plastic surgery, you'd think she would applaud any improvement to a Cheerio's appearance and he was way too hard on Santana. I like that they're addressing the fact that Santana was seriously underused during season one. Why does Finn think Sam idolizes him? "I didn't send her to an active crack house." Rachel legitimizing what she did to Sunshine was hysterical. I don't remember Sunshine at all from the first time I watched this show. She nailed "Listen" and I loved Rachel freaking out because of it. Sue made cookies out of dog poop? Sam became the quarterback five minutes after joining the team? Cheyenne Jackson!
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Season Two, Ep 2. Please don't let this entire episode be about the music of Christopher Cross. That whole Brittany thing was stupid. Love the way bristles whenever Emma mention's Carl's name. OMG, John Stamos is playing Carl! "The only thing that's saving you right now is my moral code." "I was pretty sure Dr Pepper was a dentist." Heather Morris' "Slave 4 You" was smoking hot. The camera really loved Naya Rivera. The Kurt/Will encounter was awesome. Convenient how Will is so concerned about Emma now that someone else is showing interest in her. Love the way they sprinkled the real Brittney throughout the episode. "I think that guy just broke up with this girlfriend so he could stare at you." Please get rid of Jacob. Terri's appearance was a total shock to me. She really thinks Will is going to forgive her. Enjoyed Kevin McHale and the football team's take on "Stronger". Why is Beiste putting Artie on the football team? "the only way this relationship is going to work is if we're both losers." Actually enjoyed Matthew on "Toxic" and why was Sue so upset? I wonder if they're ever going to give Sue a life? "I mean seriously, you wear more vests than the cast of "Blossom." Emma is LOVING the fact that Will is jealous of Carl, "US History...I forgot I was taking that." Wow, how insecure is Rachel to use Quinn like that. "The Only Exception" was kind of a blah finale to the episode.
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Season Two. Ep 3. The grilled cheese opening was stupid. A coke and two slim jims, the breakfast of champions. Every scene with Chris Colfer and Mike O'Malley is gold. It's looking like this episode is going to get a little touchy. Liked Puck's salute to Billy Joel. No argument regarding Kurt's feelings about how most churches treat gays. Finn yelling at Kurt for not calling him was totally uncalled for. Mercedes nailed "I Look to You." "I think God is like Santa Claus for adults." Of course, Sue had to stick her nose into this, which would be ok if it were her class. Did Finn actually say "Jew Church"? What Sue is doing to Kurt is evil. So are we supposed to be believe that Sue's evil stems from the way Jean was treated when they were children? I'm sorry, every moment he had onscreen in this episode made Finn look like a moron. Rachel using Kurt's dad's sickness to get closer to Finn is kind of gross. Not sure I cared for the context behind Rachel's "Papa Can You Hear Me?" Lea did a great job on the song though. Loved when Beiste called Finn "Lurch." Chris Colfer's take on "I wanna hold your had" reminded me of the movie Across the Universe. Puck should have done "Losing My Religion". Loved the hat Kurt wore to church but surprised nobody said anything about it. Loved "Bridge Over Troubled Waters". Amber Riley has one serious set of pipes,
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Season 3, Ep 4. Why would Puck do such a thing? What is it about this restaurant Breadsticks that gets everyone in a tizzy? Glad Kurt figured out that Sam is straight. "I like something warm beneath me or I can't digest my food." I'm definitely down with Mercedes and Santana doing a duet. I understand where Finn was coming from with Kurt, but I'm not sure if it was his place. A little more imagination could have been put into a choice of duet for Finn and Rachel. Don't believe Rachel assuming they're going to win and must throw this competition. OK, I'm beginning to get the appeal of Breadsticks. What is Brittany up to with Artie? "Why does couple therapy have to be Asian?" Why is Finn so concerned about Sam and Kurt? Well, Sam got his first slushie, he's officially Glee Club now. There's definitely some chemistry between Dianna Aragon and Chord Overstreet. It's sweet watching Kurt take care of his dad. I cannot believe that Kurt still thinks Sam might be gay. Burt's advice to Kurt was perfect. Mercedes and Santa's duet did not disappoint. Kurt could have waited until Sam got out of the shower to have that conversation. Brittany is definitely going to break Artie's heart. Chris Colfer knocked "Le Jazz Hot" out of the park. Why is Quinn fighting her attraction to Sam so hard? "I need to start learning to ignore people." "Sing" was a perfect duet for Mike and Tina but the choreography was over the top. Why is Finn staying in Sam's face? What Finn and Rachel did with "I'm Born Again" was truly cringy. Whose song is the one Quinn and Sam did? "I've been practicing nudging the meatball across the table to you...with my nose." I knew Brittany was gong to break Artie's heart. How did Sam and Quinn win that contest and if everybody voted for themselves, how did they win by two votes? That last scene with Kurt and Rachel was lovely.
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"Why would [insert any name here] do such a thing?" captures this show perfectly.
HEI guys.
HEI guys.
Season Two, Ep 5. It's the Rocky Horror episode. Don't know whose lips those were singing "Science Fiction Double Feature", but if I had to venture a guess I'd go with Naya Rivera. Sam's going to play Rocky...big shock. For some reason, I wasn't surprised that Kurt had no interest in playing Frank-N-Furter, too easy I guess. What's with John Stamos and all the leather? John Stamos' take on "Hot Patootie" felt a little cleaned up. "We need a Frank-N-Furter, not an Eddie, Eddie was eliminated in my re-writes." Mercedes will be a fierce Frank-N-Furter. These guys being embarrassed about showing off their bodies is tired. Amber nailed "Sweet Transvestite." How is Will playing Rocky going to help him get Emma away from Carl? The edits on the lyrics to "toucha toucha me" were dumb. "This play has incredible pacing problems." Why did they have Finn wear boxers instead of briefs? How does what Finn did cause loss school time?
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Season Two, Ep 6. Glad to see Quinn seems to be taking it slow with Sam. "You have to find something to be your own buzz kill." Loved Tina's out fit in that opening scene. Kurt didn't want to play Frank N Furter in the last episode but he wants to be on the girls team for the competition. Loved that see through bow tie Kurt was wearing. Kurt was right...the school's lack of discipline regarding homophobia is bad. That first Bieste fantasy was hysterical. Loved when Sue called Sam a Macauley Culkin stunt double. Puck and Artie's duet was kind of meh. "You don't need any cash for that...she's free." The first appearance of Darren Criss as Blaine with the Warblers. The Warbler's arrangement of "Teenage Dream" was gorgeous. Bieste in a pink tutu? Seriously? "You clearly look like women who give you a hard time." "You crap on my leg I'll cut it off." Not sure if I buy all the tolerance the Warblers were shoveling. The chemistry between Darren Criss and Chris Colfer is off the charts. How can Will tell Bieste not to take it personally? Puck's breakfast line story was stupid. Very glad Artie paid for the meal. The mashup of "Start Me Up" and "Living on a Prayer" and the girls looked amazing in black leather. That scene with Sue and Will was stupid...there's something seriously wrong with her. Carofsky...OMG. "If everybody just put out, we'd have a winning football team." Carofsky's nuts. Bieste quitting her job over this is childish. I liked Will kissing Bieste. Glad Puck came clean with Artie about juvie. What does Carofsky want from Kurt? The boyus' introduction apology was WAY too long.
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Season Two, Ep 7. That whole thing of Figgins being sneezed on was gross. The hallucination with the glee club as children was hysterical. Not thrilled with the return of Terri. Singing in the Rain makes Will feel better when he's sick? Not too gay. The first appearance of Gwyneth Paltrow as Miss Holliday, an actress I can't stand on general principle. Actually wouldn't have minded hearing "Conjunction Junction" in its entirety. "At least I didn't fall and break and my talent." How could Miss Holliday know the choir's names by watching a video of them at sectionals? Matthew Morrison doing "Make em Laugh"? And almost totally ripping off the staging from the movie didn't help. Sue and Holly did that happen? Loved when Sue called Mercedes "Jackee." I had flashes of Misery watching Terri feed will soup. Will thinking below the waist...has he forgotten everything Terri did? The whole tots thing was stupid. "Nowadays" was the upbeat song with a great dance beat Rachel was talking about? They weren't even subtle trying to rip off the set from the movie. Why is Mercedes so obsessed with getting in the middle of Kurt and Blaine? Why is Mercedes being turned into the clown of the show instead of being allowed to show off those amazing pipes? This Holly Holliday is a hot mess and I hope this episode is her only appearance. Glad Will came to his senses regarding Terri. I am glad Kurt told Mercedes what she really needed to hear. There is something seriously wrong with Carofsky. That Mary Todd Lincoln thing was stupid and tasteless. I don't think teachers get to request specific subs when they call in sick. The set for the Umbrella/Singing in the Rain mashup was amazing with the actual water on the stage.
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Season Two, Ep 8. Not surprised that Kurt is thrilled and Finn is not regarding their parents' engagement. I just love Mike O'Malley as Burt. "Which is why I prefer to think of the homeless as outdoorsy." Sue marrying herself is really stupid. Finn seems really threatened by Sam. Sam is insane giving Quinn a ring...after what she went through last season. Carofsky is even more insane than Sam. "High school is a dry run for the rest of your life." Sue needs to stop calling Kurt "Lady". It's not funny. I like Rachel's concern for Kurt. Carol Burnett playing Sue's mom! Love it. Sue's mom is a nazi hunter? She seems to be the only person on the planet who can push Sue's buttons. That fight scene with Sam and arofsky was surprisingly realistic.. I like that the guys stood up for Kurt. This is why Kurt is going to end up going to Blaine's school at some point. Carol and Jane nailed "Ohio" from Wonderful Town but it seems a strange wedding song, even for a stupid wedding like Sue's. It's fun watching somebody get to Sue. Loved Bert confronting Carofsky and putting partial blame on Finn. Daniel Roebuck as Carofsky's dad and was surprisingly impressed that Sue expelled Carofsky. Bert was hysterical dancing down the aisle. Bert's monologue at the alter was lovely. Bert and Carole were terrific on the dance floor too. It looks like Finn is turning a corner with Kurt. Weird choice for the song Finn dedicated to Kurt. It was also a joy seeing Finn and Kurt dance together. Really liked this episode, though it would have been nice to see a little more of Carol Burnett.
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Season Two, Ep 9. First episode with no recap at the beginning. Will actually looked shocked and offended at Emma implying his predictability. Everything she said was absolutely correct. Great to see Will finally mixing it up. Finn and Rachel are so full of is getting little tiresome seeing Finn and Rachel center stage at every competition. So glad Kurt switched schools and to Warblers. Though the thing with the bird was stupid. Why is Rachel more offended that Finn was with Santana instead of Quinn? And Emma is the last person they should be discussing this with. One side of her mouth Brittany is saying she has more talent than anyone and the other hand she's saying she's terrified. Puck stole a soda machine? Nice that Kurt realized he stepped out of line in that Warblers meeting. Carofsky was in that scene in the locker room, wasn't he expelled in the last episode? Rachel needs to get over herself. When Puck exited that port-a-potty, he looked like a guy in prison after a spell in "the hole." Puck's speech to Rachel was kind of strange. That black cheerleader outfit on Tina was hot. "You are brilliant and talented as you are irritating." I actually preferred Chris to Lea on "Don't Cry for me Argentina." I don't know what Blaine was talking about, it didn't feel like Kurt was "trying too hard." Loved the Kurt/Rachel reunion. I have to wonder if the lead singer of the senior group was doing her own singing. The arrangement on the Warbler's number was brilliant. So ironic Kurt didn't get a solo because his voice is way stronger than Darren Criss. "You care about the Santana of it all." Brittany was pinning everything on a magic comb? Sometimes this girl's stupidity borders on unrealistic. Nice to see Naya get a solo after a season and a half. It shouldn't have been a tie. The Warblers were better.
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Season Two, Ep 10. Does Emma want Will to be devastated about her and Carl? Love Will getting Sue for Secret Santa. So are we having another grown up who still believes in Santa storyline? That opening number was so queer. According to the credits, Figgins returns in this episode. Nice that Amber was fronting ":We Need a Little Christmas" even if they didn't get to do the entire number. "Santa laps are always really warm and it's creepy." Loved Sam asking Santa for chapstick. Why did Santa tell Brittany he could make Artie walk? Rachel's Xmas gift to Finn was classic Rachel. Lea nailed "Merry Christmas Darling." I forgot why Finn is mad at Rachel. Where did Will think he was going to buy Sue a soul? Loved Kurt and Blaine doing "Baby It's Cold Outside." I was sure they were going to have Sam and Quinn do that song. "I'm in love with him and he's actually gay. I call that progress." Loved the reveal that Sue rigged Secret Santa. "You're a regular Agatha Christie...but even more sexless." Why does Bieste need to break into Brittany's house? Sue's "Sue the Grinch" was fantastic. Brittany as Cindy Lou Who was the icing on the cake. The arrangement on "Last Christmas" was a little busy. I'm glad Finn couldn't be forced into forgiving Rachel. Will's Christmas speech was corny. Why did Bieste take off her beard and why didn't Brittany react to it? Dot-Marie Jones was really good. in that scene with Brittany. Artie's Christmas miracle was a perfect finale to the show. Didn't think Artie's miracle be topped but it was.
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Season Two, Ep11. Liked The Cheerios opening number even if Sue didn't. Why do these girls even try to argue with Sue? They haven't figured out that it's pointless after al this time? I guess when I thought Carofsky was expelled he was only suspended. Why did Bieste let all that crap go in the locker room? All those guys ganging up on Artie was just evil. Actually, having the football team spend a week in glee club is not a bad idea. The song choice for Rachel and Puck was kind of weird though. Rachel only sang with Puck to make Finn jealous? Not too childish. Sue's little rampage was definitely over the top. I think Will might have had some effect on Carofsky. Sue is never going to let Quinn forget what happened last year. Loved the guys zombie number. Loved the Warblers' number. The girls on the football team? No good can come of this. I cannot Believe Brittany is going to do this. The halftime show was awesome, but Puck should have been singing "Thriller." Can't believe Katie Couric interviewed Sue. Loved Sue calling her Diane Sawyer. A Quinn/Finn reconciliation is in the works?
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Season 2, Ep 12. I love that Puck is actually finding himself attracted to Lauren. I wouldn't have thought of Kurt as a Valentine's Day cynic. I know Kurt thinks Blaine was talking about him and he's going to get his heart broken. A week of no one being slushed! Congratulations! A musical version of Willow? Really? Blaine announced being in love to the whole choir. Glad that Kurt got to hang with girls for awhile. Puck's musical seduction of Lauren totally worked. It's funny to see Santana actually being bested. Why is Finn so interested in breaking up Sam and Quinn now? Finn can't run a kissing booth and kiss Rachel on the cheek? Why does Artie get to sing all the Michael Jackson songs? I have to admit he did a good job with "PYT". Loved when Santana called Lauren Pop n Fresh. Puck begging Lauren to go out with him, I love it. What game is Quinn playing with Sam and Finn? who's playing Blaine's crush? That sucks that Blaine got Jeremiah fired. Kurt could have made an effort to look a little less happy. "I know what cheating looks like I do it all the time." Loved Santana's candy striper outfit. If Santana wanted to get Finn sick, she could have at leas paid for the kiss. I love that Blaine is now the Valentines cynic. Is he actually surprised that Blaine's actions got him fired? Blaine really hurt Kurt's feelings. My dad's a drug addict so losers make me horny." Finn's kissing booth raised over $300...impressive. What was Tina's breakdown about? Love that Lauren stood up Puck. "Firework" was great. I really like Darren Criss, but are any other Warblers going to get solos?
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Season Two, Ep 13. This is the first episode we've seen in awhile that shows Will in an actual classroom teaching Spanish. Can't believe Will and Emma would be dumb enough to think Sue would commit suicide, she's way to self-absorbed for that. This episode also brought up something else I just realized...why do we never see Sue and the cheerios at football games cheering? Quinn seems to be growing bored with Sam and at least he seems to recognize it. This episode is about to lose me because I know nothing about Justin Bieber. Sue's little temper tantrum in the hallway was stupid. "I agree with sponge head square's a stupid idea.", "Dude, that haircut makes your mouth look even bigger." The only thing that keeps Tina away from angry birds is Mike's abs? Rachel actually refers to her style of dress as "Sexy schoolgirl librarian chic." Puck in a hairpiece? Seriously? The reactions to that number on the stage were a bit over the top. Why is Finn so anti-Bieber? Loved Lauren describing herself as hot melted butter. "Take Me or Leave Me" was a little underwhelming. Expected more from Lea and Amber. "No outfits, no jazz hands, just music." Loved Lauren's "I Know what Boys Like." Why can't they just give Santana her own love interest instead of having her trying to break up already established couples? Don't really get the plaid workshirt costume theme and Sue having her track suit stripes on hers was stupid. And whose song was that? Writing original music? That has disaster written all over it. Why would Oral Intensity hire Sue?
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Season Two, Ep 14. Is there such a thing as a song about the dangers of teenage drinking? I thought Rachel's mother (Idina Menzel) was the coach of Oral Intensity. "I can't wait for you to start climbing the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous because when you get to the top, I'm gonna knock you down." why is Puck coming on to Rachel again? I thought he was crushing on Lauren. Carole King and Gerry Goffin...didn't they write songs for The Monkees? That song "My headband" was really stupid. Eric Stolz directed this episode. How has Rachel gotten this far in her life without ever having a drink? Rachel's party dress was so 70's. "Brittney remember the rules, no sitting on anything." Drunk Kurt and drunk not funny. Not buying Santana as the weepy hysterical drunk. Empty-headed Finn is the expert on drunk archetypes. What the hell was Artie wearing? That Blaine/Rachel kiss was hot and their duet wasn't bad either. Is Rachel seriously going to try to come between Kurt and Blaine? Hate Puck's glasses. Loved Burt finding Blaine in Kurt's bed. I've never understood this cliche of wearing sunglasses when you're hungover, does it really help?. I liked "Blame it on the Alcohol." Kurt really stabbed Rachel in the heart when he said Blaine and Rachel had no chemistry. Drunk Will was a little over the top.
Last edited by Gideon58; 12-04-24 at 08:13 PM.
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Season Two, Ep 15. Emma giving counseling regarding abstinence. Did she really use the phrase "hose monster"? The return of Holly, trying to hold back my enthusiasm. "wait, cucumbers can give you AIDS?" Don't get what Will sees in Holly. I don't believe for a minute that Brittney is pregnant. Seriously? Not only does Brittney believe in Santa, but she also believes that babies come from storks? "That's a waste of some fine man butt." "Sex, it's just like hugging...only wetter." Was Gwyneth's first number really appropriate for a high school classroom? Can Blaine and Kurt be smart enough to stay as far away from Sue as possible? "Porcelain, you've just made a powerful new enema." Loving that Emma is so jealous of Holly she can't see straight...has she forgotten that she's married?" Where was the music for the Warbler's music for that number for the sister school? On a tape recorder, it sure wasn't acapella. The suds reminded me of Ann-Margret's most famous scene in Tommy. "I think it's better without eye contact." Who would make a sex tape with JD Salinger? Loved Blaine practicing sexy looks with Kurt. Matthew and Gwyneth's "Kiss" totally worked...the staging reminded me of Roxanne in Moulin Rouge. I don't know if Blaine going to Burt was such a good idea...pretty sure Kurt will explode when he finds out. That song Holly chose for Santana and Brittney seemed like a strange choice. This whole thing with Brittney is really freaking Santana out? I love Puck joining the celibacy club. OK, I can't lie, "Afternoon Delight" had me on the floor. Not exactly shocked that Carl is not happy with his sex life. LOVED Burt's talk with did Mike O'Malley not win an Emmy for his work on this show? Emma and Carl haven't consummated their marriage? I knew it wasn't too physical a marriage but I didn't see that coming. My lips are sealed, just like your legs." Naya was wonderful in that final scene with Brittney, I don't think Brittney has a clue how badly she has hurt Santana. Quinn is using Finn again, but for what?
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Season Two, Ep 16. The opening Warblers number had no context. I mean we saw Blain throw some papers in the air but what was it all about? Was Blaine seriously acting surprised that Kurt thinks of them as "Blaine and the Pips"? Can't believe wrote her next original song all about her again? "How damaged does a guy have to be to be into someone like Rachel?" Don't understand why Quinn thins she can't win prom queen without Quinn. Chris Colfer's take on "Blackbird" was lovely, but they should left out the backup. World War Sue, I loved that. All of a sudden, they all think they're songwriters. Loved Santana calling Artie Stubbles McCripple Pants. Brittany is so dim that she can't see that she can't have both Santana and Artie. I loved Kurt pretending to be unworthy as Blaine's duet partner. A rhyming dictionary? That's a thing? Naya nailed "Trouty Mouth." Did Santana really think they were going to sing that at Regionals? Liked Puck's "Big Ass Heart: too, Blaine and Kurt's first kiss was very hot. Mercedes' "Hell to the No" was a little underwhelming. I'm wondering why Ryan even hired Amber because he clearly doesn't have a clue what to do with her. Sue throwing sticks at Mercedes? Seriously? How does that woman keep her job? Quinn and Rachel fighting over Finn...he is so not worth being fought over. After all his musical experience, are we supposed to believe that Kurt was nervous. His duet with Kurt was lovely though.
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