Hombre The Gorilla Killed AT Cincy Zoo.


When I have my kids with me, I never let them leave my sight, and I'm always aware of my surroundings, even if they're not.
But you might have a moment where you're distracted. You might see a shop with a window display showing Young Guns t-shirts for sale or something. Who knows? It's always possible you could forget what you're doing for a moment. That's how child abductions/purse snatches/carjacking can happen -- you lose your attention on something for a second, BOOM, disaster strikes before you know it.

First thing I did was 2 huge bounds and grabbed her hood and pulled her back, and as she dropped backwards I caught her in my arms.

Put my hand up to the driver to apologise as they had slammed their brakes on... and I gave Keira a right good shouting at and made her cry.

She's never gone out of reach when around cars ever since, and she's 11 now.
Well, you were lucky. Pray you stay that way.

Leashes for kids have been in the UK since the 1960s. I was born in 82, and my Mum had one for me.
My mom has one for you, too.

It was a sad end for a magnificent creature that's for sure, but I agree that the safety of the child had to be paramount.

The hysterical backlash against the parents on social media is astonishing. Which one of us who have children can put their hands on their hearts and say they've never had a near disaster? A kid running out in the road? taking your eyes off them and losing them at the shops? Your mind runs riot at what might've been.
We were on holiday once in rural France and my seven year old son got in a strop and when no one was watching he crossed across the path and hid in the long grass in a field. We looked for him panicking for nearly an hour searching the forest before he got fed up of lying in the sun daydreaming and came home. Imagine if something had actually happened to him during that time? I would've been all over Facebook as a disgraceful mother.
People are so judgemental of others and social media serves as a weird medium that encourages strangers to join in castigating others when they know little of what really happened.
theres a huge difference between a four year old and a seven year old though. i get your point-but there was only a fence up here by the looks of the video so a child most definitly be watched at all times.

do we know HOW the child got in though? did it climb over and fall in?

theres a huge difference between a four year old and a seven year old though.
There is?

But you might have a moment where you're distracted. You might see a shop with a window display showing Young Guns t-shirts for sale or something. Who knows?
I spat my drink out laughing at this, honestly

What if that doesn't even solve the problem? What if, somehow, the leashed child somehow drags the parent into the gorilla pit with them? Child falls in, parent goes along to protect it and falls in, too. Then there's two humans in the gorilla pit. Or the leash breaks or something.
A four year old kid isn't going to physically drag an adult anywhere. Get real.

Now, obviously I don't know the exact circumstances, but there are simple things that the parents could have done to prevent this.

Furthermore, I have seen time and time again instances where parents have been grossly negligent about supervising their children. I've seen plenty of times when they've allowed kids to run up to strangers' dogs or when parents weren't paying attention while their kids stuck their hands and faces into the ball return at the bowling alley.

A four year old kid isn't going to physically drag an adult anywhere. Get real.
Depends on what the parent has been feeding their kid.

But then again, there's yet another case of bad parenting there for ya.

I'm not sure how to say this without potentially offending someone, so I'm going to not care and just say what I'm thinking. The kid didn't deserve to die, but the parents probably deserved to have their kid killed. There's negligence and then there's letting your unattended 4 year old walk into a gorilla pen. You are surrounded by dangerous animals. Watch your kids.

I'm not sure how to say this without potentially offending someone, so I'm going to not care and just say what I'm thinking. The kid didn't deserve to die, but the parents probably deserved to have their kid killed. There's negligence and then there's letting your unattended 4 year old walk into a gorilla pen. You are surrounded by dangerous animals. Watch your kids.
DAMN there is some serious parent hate around here.

You all need to see a therapist. You guys who hate and blame the parents so much -- you need to see a therapist. You've got issues with your own parents, I think. How could you not? Imagine if these people were your parents. You want them going to jail because you got loose and wound up in a gorilla pit? I'm telling ya, you've got issues with your own parents. Go work them out instead of being so disgusting towards people.

Haven't read all the posts, so sorry if this has been covered...

I've read reports that say tranquilizer darts could take up to 20 minutes to fully put an excited bull gorilla to sleep.
The pain from the darts or even the drugs from the tranquilizers could scare, threaten, agitate or confuse the gorilla and he could respond to those feelings by taking them out on the child just as a reflex.
If he was successfully incapacitated, he could pass out on top of the child, crushing him to death (the gorilla weighed 400 lbs.)
If the gorilla had the boy near the water and passed out, he could drown the child.

Just some things they considered.

I'm not sure how to say this without potentially offending someone, so I'm going to not care and just say what I'm thinking. The kid didn't deserve to die, but the parents probably deserved to have their kid killed. There's negligence and then there's letting your unattended 4 year old walk into a gorilla pen. You are surrounded by dangerous animals. Watch your kids.
wince! Sometimes its not always best to say what you think.

Now if the parent THREW the kid into the gorilla enclosure -- "Bye! Have fun down there!" -- lock them up!

The comment was the tranquilizer would take too long but if the Gorilla was not aggitated which means you could have maybe idk use the handler he was comfortable with to come around distract him and take the kid our.

Jake Hannah said it would take the drugs near 12 minutes too take effect and by that time the Gorilla could have been enraged. Jake Hannah just then stated the Gorilla was calm then if darting it would make it mad. If the Gorilla was calm then he was not trying to hurt the kid or anyone .

I think that people panic who were just average people and not professional animal people and Zoo thought well just shoot it too make the other people here feel safe. I think all these Zoo People and Jake Hannah miss the point on what endangered species is. And Hannah Claims he knew what would happen the kid would have been dead. Which maybe true but how often does Gorillas kill Baby Gorillas. Chimps is another thing.

It is a known fact is anyone who has read Jane Goodalls book on Gorillas that Gorillas and Orangatang s are the safer primate and its the Chimps known too be ruthless.

My point is I guess is maybe they could have saved the boy without any guns. Unless the Zoo and Handlers have been abusive too some of there animals. And The Gorilla would have been enraged by people. I just dont think this should have happened. I get it if was a Grizzly or Lions pin but i just am not convienced death was nessasary with a non meat eating animal.

The comment was the tranquilizer would take too long but if the Gorilla was not aggitated which means you could have maybe idk use the handler he was comfortable with to come around distract him and take the kid our. Jake Hannah said it would take the drugs near 12 minutes too take effect and by that time the Gorilla could have been enraged. Jake Hannah just then stated the Gorilla was calm then if darting it would make it mad. If the Gorilla was calm then he was trying to hurt the kid. I think that people panic who were just average people and not professional animal people and Zoo thought well just shoot it too make the other people here feel safe. I think all these Zoo People and Jake Hannah miss the point on what endangered species. And Hannah Claims he knew what would happen the kid would have been dead. Which maybe true but how often does Gorillas kill Baby Gorillas. Chimps is another thing. It is a known fact is anyone who has read Jane Goodalls book on Gorillas that Gorillas and Orangatang s are the safer primate and its the Chimps known too be ruthless.
My point is I guess is maybe they could have saved the boy without any guns. Unless the Zoo and Handlers have been abusive too some of there animals. And The Gorilla would have been enraged by people. I just dont think this should have happened. I get it if was a Grizzly or Lions pin but i just am not convienced death was nessasary with a non meat eating animal.

The way Zoos work with Gorillas, is they do not allow the staff to mingle with them.
The animals are kept separated from humans at all times.
The closest they come into contact is through several sets of reinforced cages.

There's no such thing as a Gorilla Handler.