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Did a search (I think) and did not see this film mentioned. So, this is my first review here and please excuse the poor writing (lack of) style. But my niece mentioned this was being debuted on Netflix tonight, so why not?

I found it both funny and on point in many areas. It is over the top and that's what a dark comedy is at its core. There were serious laughs to be found with great deliveries. Granted some scenes dragged and some stuff that may be left better on the cutting room floor.

Absolutely loved the parody of an ELE event that both spoofs past movies and mixing in current social commentary. The casting was nearly flawless and Adam McKay's best work to date.

Yes, a must see for the twisted!

EDIT: think I mucked the title up, a little help...

Welcome to the human race...
Eh, I thought it sucked. McKay's late-career turn into overt political satire was never that strong in the first place and has only offered diminishing returns, though at least The Big Short and Vice were somewhat grounded due to their true-story origins. This is a no-man's-land that's just clumsy in its efforts to address the state of modern society or even just to be funny (especially when it goes to such lengths to belabour its solitary point throughout a seemingly interminable running time).
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0