Movie Forums Top 100 of the 2010s - Group Watch

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Calvary was another movie I picked because it was high up on n my rewatch list. I gave it a 3.5 the first time but never wrote any thoughts. It has always stuck with me thematically, and I loved Gleeson’s performance as well. I pretty well came out the same this viewing. It’s a darkly funny movie which I like but the unpleasantness of the parishioners is a little much. I get what McDonagh is going for. It’s not meant to be a realistic portrayal of how people would talk to a priest. It’s meant to portray peoples innermost thoughts on the church. Still, I could of used more cathartic dialogue as opposed to the harsh tones. Ultimately I think that is what keeps me from loving this film the way I want to.

I do love the ending. Made me tear up a bit. This movie really couldn’t have ended any other way. Takoma is dead on. I would also add that I think it works as a release for Jack too. I believe that’s part of the point.

Aside from my own nomination, this is the first film posted in this thread I've already seen. I saw it back in the theaters in 2011 though, so I barely remember it. I'll rewatch it tomorrow.

Yes! My psychic thought waves must have reached GBG...all day long I was hoping for Real Steal to be next so I could jump back into this and watch it. I've not seen it but have been very curious about it.

Oh this is a good one - I´ve seen a couple of years ago - I might get around to rewatching it, if I find it on a danish streaming service.

Alright then, I got free on Friday. So, here's the quick catchup.

Loved Miss Vicky's Broken Circle Breakdown. It's emotionally heavy, and at times a bit OTT (that scene with Didier at the show), but it's original, touching and earnest.

I had seen Allaby's Lure a while back. It's creative, beautiful and the music is lovely, but it could have been shorter, and in the hands of a more capable filmmaker a far better movie. It's seemed like it needed more work on it. Still a good effort.

Seanc's Cavalry was a little hard to take in. I don't mind the unlikeable characters or the bleakness, but found it hard to keep myself glued to it. The ending elevated the movie for me, even though the filmmaker could've chosen for Gleeson, who is unsurprisingly brilliant by the way, to somehow survive. Also I didn't expect the killer to be who it was.

Takoma's Litling was a poignant little gem for me. Sensitive and thoughtful. Even though the mother is Chinese, her behaviour is typical for all Asian mothers, which includes my Indian culture and that was amusing to identify.

I have watched GBG's Real Steel multiple times, since it often comes on the telly here. It knows what it wants to do, and does it well, without losing the all important heart and making us care for its characters. It's a fun flick with a good rewatch value.

I'll probably be in the minority, but this was a huge miss for me.

Real Steel (Shawn Levy, 2011)

To say that I went into this with low expectations is a bit of an understatement. When I first saw the trailer in 2011, I thought it looked terrible and kept expecting the robots’ heads to pop up a la Rock ‘Em Sock ‘Em Robots and immediately dismissed this movie as something not worth watching.

So I very nearly skipped it when it I saw it had been nominated for Group Watch, but I decided to keep an open mind and give it a shot. Unfortunately, it met my expectations - well, not the head-popping expectation, but you know what I mean. I am sitting here racking my brain trying to come up with something that I liked about it but I am at a loss.

I hated or was completely indifferent to every single character in the movie. And I especially hated Charlie. He’s a crappy father (which he doesn’t really ever redeem himself for, if anything he makes it worse through literal child endangerment and making his kid an accomplice to crime) and kind of a crappy person in general. As for Max? He gets pissed at Charlie for taking stupid risks and basically throwing Noisy Boy away, then he insists on keeping Atom because Atom saved him (which, that whole scene is some bullshit. No way in hell did some little kid dig this 1,000 pound hunk of crap out of the mud in the pouring rain, load it on to the cart, and then drag it to the truck by himself. Give me a break), only to take stupid risks with him in the ring.

As to the robots themselves, I never once forgot that I was watching CGI. For a movie called Real Steel, they sure looked and felt fake to me. The story itself never felt original or interesting and it relied heavily on cheap shortcuts to try to win sympathy points for its characters. Ultimately the whole thing just reeked of cliché and artifice.

Saw Real Steel a few years back and thought it was an ok watch but nothing more with a very pat type of story, if it's readily available and I have the time and inclination I might see if I can squeeze a rewatch in but if memory serves me correctly I think its unlikely to go up much in my estimation.

You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
Yes! My psychic thought waves must have reached GBG...all day long I was hoping for Real Steal to be next so I could jump back into this and watch it. I've not seen it but have been very curious about it.

I'm glad I could help. It's not easy for me to pick a movie that I think most of you will like, but I'm trying.

I recently rewatched Real Steel, and this is what I wrote about it in my 2010s recommendations thread:

Nobody recommended Real Steel (2011) to me, but this is a favorite movie that I wanted to rewatch for this countdown because it has a good chance to make my list.

I love this movie more and more every time I watch it. I love the way the relationship grows between Charlie and Max. I love how much heart this robot has, and how much fun it is to watch Max and Atom together. I generally don't like fight scenes, but the exciting fight scene at the end is one of my favorite scenes.

I highly recommend this movie.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

Just finished Real Steel, and I thought it was pretty good. It's a big dumb fun movie, but the dynamic between Charlie and Max is strong enough to save the film. It won't make my ballot, but I'm glad I had a chance to revisit it.

Real Steal (2011)

It started out a little off for me and I didn't like the bull fighting the robot scene. I couldn't watch some of that and yeah I know the bull was mostly CG when it was being hit by the robot. But then the movie hooked me and I found Hugh Jackman's character to be colorfully interesting. I liked how he was basically a good guy but sorta a dumbass in his decisions. Then when the kid came into the mix I thought it might be a case of too-cuteness but I liked the kid as he was a smartass and angry at the start of their relationship and that felt believable. I dug the bot fighting, that was pretty cool I must say and who doesn't love a underdog winning. Real Steal is like Karate Kid with heavy machinery...I liked it and had a good time watching it on Halloween eve.

2022 Mofo Fantasy Football Champ
I have a pretty full list for my ballot right now, but if I had room I'd include it.
I'm getting a headache even thinking about my list I want to submit. Mainly because I'm not sure what has a chance and what doesn't and don't really want to waste votes on things that won't make it this time.

I'm getting a headache even thinking about my list I want to submit. Mainly because I'm not sure what has a chance and what doesn't and don't really want to waste votes on things that won't make it this time.
That's exactly what I'm doing this time. I don't want to waste a vote on a movie only I love...and I don't want to waste a vote on a movie everyone loves that doesn't need my help. I want to get some of my favorites in the countdown, though I don't think most of them will make it unless everyone becomes big fans of Will Ferrell and Jack Black real soon!