Play it on TV in the '90s

In general, the story (or rather what I remember of it) is:

Graduation party in some old castle. In his guise graduate sneaks whether demon sorcerer whether either unclear who. As a result, graduates are disappearing and only the main character, his girlfriend and another couple of friends like that. Their goal - to defeat this sorcerer or anyone there. At one time it seemed to me very exciting.

And yes, there is such a nutty professor was even a sorcerer to kill in the beginning (thought he graduate) but this did not prevent the magician to come to life naturally.


I remembered one more thing from the movie, he can help to find it:

At the end of the boy and girl who roamed the sorcerer overcome this lock ... but then shown as time wound off back and youth party at the castle begins again ...

not these movies and plus...

may be one of a series Tales from the Crypt ?
Does not look like ... just remember that it was a full-length movie

another user This feature film parody of similar plots. All heroes stupid look and feel are different types of characters - a botanist, handsome, the first beauty, ugly, etc. But all this is exaggerated and brought to the point of absurdity. Would have to remember the name ...

Horror movie but I remember not so scary but more adventurous

Night Of The Demons 2

just remember that there were students (graduates)

Spellcaster 1991
Hell Night 1981
Scary Movie 2 2001

At the end of the boy and girl who roamed the sorcerer overcome this lock ... but then shown as time wound off back and youth party at the castle begins again ...
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