Science Fiction movie with war against aliens and dream recording


Registered User
Hi everyone.

I'm trying to find a movie i was watching as a kid. I don't remember a lot about him, but there are some details which I think should be enough to identify it.

1.) It was about a war with some sort alien species. I remember that they killed people in very particular manner. I think they sort of pulled peoples' souls away (represented as glowy outlines) from them with tentacles or something like that.

2.) The protagonist had some sort of weird dreams, which were hinting on a way to end the conflict. Unfortunately, he (or she?) recorded them, and later they were use as a proof against him by some disgruntled military figure.

3.) I remember scene where they were shouting at above mentioned military figure that nuking some glowy mass was a pretty stupid idea. Then he did. Then it turned out they were right.

I think the movie will be more or less of the same age as the first Matrix. I recall it VERY blurry, so I can be wrong about some details.

Thanks in advance.

Registered User
Yep, that's it.
Thank you very much

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Always happy to exercise my sci-fi geekiness! That doesn't happen often though =/