Jurassic World 2 (Jurassic Park 5)



Jurassic World just broke Fast 7's record of fastest movie to 1 billion worldwide in 13 days and it is still going and probably will stay on top (Although with the good word of mouth that Inside Out is getting it will probably become #1 this upcoming weekend)

Chris Pratt is signed on for more Jurassic sequels -> http://www.ew.com/article/2015/06/12...c-world-sequel

Sequels are coming whether we want them or not so what do you guys want to see in the next film?

An advanced dinosaur civilization on another planet makes a theme park where human beings and other animals are the exhibits.

And that way it really could be called Jurassic World again, because if it takes place on a planet with advanced dinosaurs, it really IS a Jurassic WORLD.

And that way it really could be called Jurassic World again, because if it takes place on a planet with advanced dinosaurs, it really IS a Jurassic WORLD.
With "World" attached to the franchise now when I saw it, it had this Rise of the Planet of the Apes vibe to it (Especially with the movie itself), but I feel like that'd kind of be ripping off the new Apes series for Dinosaurs to start spreading across the planet. Even so it'd still go see it lol I have a huge soft spot for dinosaurs even as an adult.

They could go totally insane and try to do some experiments on dinosaurs to make them more human like. I could see that happening. The dinosaur DNA could be fooled around with human DNA and suddenly these sophisticated human/dinosaur hybrids are trying to take over Earth and they want to put humans in parks and stuff.

I'm waiting for them to focus an entire movie (instead of a tacked on second climax) on dinosaurs getting loose in a populated area. Just feels like it'll happen eventually.

I wouldn't consider the sequel to Jurassic World as 'Jurassic Park 5', because Jurassic World wasn't a part four. It was generally just 22 years after the first film. So really, it's just a continuation of the first Jurassic Park feature . Anything after Jurassic World technically will have nothing to do with the previous films. So then the title 'Jurassic Park' no longer refers to any of the films to come.

I'm just curious where the story will lead next.

You know it's going to be the same as before. Hollywood sure knows how to drain audiences with recycled material over and over and over. How I miss originality!