Movie You're Watching Tonight


the puppetmaster 1993
early days as i keep pausing it for various reasons, but it's looking like a very high quality film atm.

A slow-burn, but I’m enjoying it.
love it.
hope you did too.

love it.
hope you did too.
I absolutely did! A masterpiece. Rewatching it now, believe it or not, which normally would have been quite soon for me. But yes, I need more films like this in my life.

I was wondering why I hadn't seen my 2nd favorite director....

It's dubbed! No can do!
I have zero interest in dubbing. Ugh.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

This is one f**ked up WW2 film.

My daughter told me it was on Starz..

This is a cute film about a 6th grade girl growing up in the 70s. I can relate.