I can connect any two movies via in-universe crossovers!


Sleep Furiously has "sleep" in its name.

Haxan talks about witchcraft.

Witches were sometimes put to trial and then burned at the stake. So, put to "eternal sleep".

The Inquisition was quite furious, too.
"In Universe connection"


"In Universe connection"

That one is up to the OP to find. I was just trying to be funny.
San Franciscan lesbian dwarves and their tomato orgies.

'Sleep Furiously' (2008)


'Haxan' (1922)
Since Haxan is public domain, someone could’ve made Sleep Furiously have a cameo from Sorceress Karna.

Got another?

A system of cells interlinked
Zodiac and Blade Runner
“It takes considerable knowledge just to realize the extent of your own ignorance.” ― Thomas Sowell

Zodiac and Blade Runner
Zodiac -> Robert Downey Jr. -> Avengers: Endgame -> Chris Evans -> Snowpiercer -> Tilda Swinton -> The Grand Budapest Hotel -> Edward Norton -> The Incredible Hulk -> Tim Roth -> Rob Roy -> Liam Neeson -> Batman Begins -> Rutger Hauer -> Blade Runner

Maybe somebody can find a shorter connection

Trouble with a capital "T"
I have no clue what this means.
I'm not really getting this either. Movie characters are fictional so they can't actually cross over to another 'universe'. Once the movie is over so is the fictional universe of said movie. I guess this 'game' just isn't for me.

That one guy from Zodiac could've also been in Blade Runner.

Since Blade Runner takes place in the future, that could be true.

Got a challenge?

The Big Lebowski and Robert Bresson's A Man Escaped.
I could find no connections from A Man Escaped.

Got another?

Since Blade Runner takes place in the future, that could be true.

Got a challenge?
No, because if you can just make up a connection without any restrictions, no challenge is possible.

If there are some restrictions, cool: let us know what they are! Perhaps that will give the game some discernible structure.

That one guy from Zodiac could've also been in Blade Runner.

Blade Runner does share a universe with Alien, as well as many others due to other pieces of media having the Tyrell corporation appear, as well as Tannhauser Gate appearing in Hunter Prey and 2021’s Cowboy Bebop.

The game is you can create a connection by just imagining a hypothetical where there was a connection? Huh?
Check out my podcast: The Movie Loot!

The Big Lebowski and Robert Bresson's A Man Escaped.
The Big Lebowski has the blue Volkswagen from Blood Simple, a card from the Hotel Earl from Barton Fink, and Meichtry Draft beer, which reappears in other media.

Saddam Hussein, as played by Jerry Haleva in this film, reprises his role in many others.

A book by The Dude appears in Lizzie McGuire.