Star Trek: Section 31
I commented on this in the New Trailers section but I'll do it here too. While not a huge fan of the Star Trek film series this looks pretty decent and may check it out when it opens. I am a big fan of Michelle Yeoh.
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi
“You must be the change you wish to see in the world.” — Gandhi
I commented on this in the New Trailers section but I'll do it here too. While not a huge fan of the Star Trek film series this looks pretty decent and may check it out when it opens. I am a big fan of Michelle Yeoh.

This sounds so exciting... can't wait!
At the center of Star Trek: Section 31 is Michelle Yeoh. Everything else within the first Trek film of the Paramount+ era orbits around her. The visuals, the camera work, the colors of the costumes, the inclusion of certain spaceships are all inspired by Emperor Philippa Georgiou Augustus Iaponius Centarius (or just Philippa for short), first introduced in Star Trek: Discovery.
“At the end of the day, each scene usually belongs to one particular character. In Section 31, 99 percent of those scenes belong to Michelle Yeoh’s character, Philippa Georgiou,” director Olatunde Osunsanmi, who also serves as writer and executive producer on the movie, tells Entertainment Weekly. “So then what you have is a movie that is visually inspired by who she is. She is unpredictable, she is dangerous, she is relentless, she also has discovered that she's kind and has the opportunity for redemption. Instead of a man on fire, you have a woman on fire and a visual design that is unpredictable for the first time in this modern era."
Osunsanmi has been involved with the project for years. He remembers working on Star Trek: Discovery ("Disco," for short) when Yeoh took a meeting with Alex Kurtzman, the producer/overlord of the Hollywood Trek empire. Their goal was to create a spinoff series, first announced in 2019, that centered around Philippa — not Captain Philippa Georgiou of the USS Shenzhou introduced in the Disco season 1 premiere, but Emperor Philippa Georgiou, an alternate version of the character from the Mirror Universe that rules the Terran Empire.
Osunsanmi planned to direct the pilot for this new series, penned by Craig Sweeny. "We actually prepped and had a concept meeting on the pilot of Section 31 while we were finishing and shooting the finale of Disco season 2," he mentions. "So we essentially had two parallel shows happening at the same time."
A few starts and stops, another alternate pilot script treatment from Sweeny, a COVID-19 pandemic, and two Hollywood strikes later, Star Trek: Section 31 now stands as a movie, to be released on Paramount+ next week. Osunsanmi credits the "relentlessness" of Kurtzman, Aaron Baiers (president of TV for Kurtzman's production company, Secret Hideout), and Yeoh herself for keeping it alive. "I can't believe that we actually are on the verge of releasing it to the world after all of that," he says.
Section 31 sees Philippa running a nightclub called the Baraam when she's recruited to join the film's titular squadron, a black-ops division of Starfleet. The other operatives feel representative of classic archetypes of spy and heist movies, but with a Star Trek twist.
“At the end of the day, each scene usually belongs to one particular character. In Section 31, 99 percent of those scenes belong to Michelle Yeoh’s character, Philippa Georgiou,” director Olatunde Osunsanmi, who also serves as writer and executive producer on the movie, tells Entertainment Weekly. “So then what you have is a movie that is visually inspired by who she is. She is unpredictable, she is dangerous, she is relentless, she also has discovered that she's kind and has the opportunity for redemption. Instead of a man on fire, you have a woman on fire and a visual design that is unpredictable for the first time in this modern era."
Osunsanmi has been involved with the project for years. He remembers working on Star Trek: Discovery ("Disco," for short) when Yeoh took a meeting with Alex Kurtzman, the producer/overlord of the Hollywood Trek empire. Their goal was to create a spinoff series, first announced in 2019, that centered around Philippa — not Captain Philippa Georgiou of the USS Shenzhou introduced in the Disco season 1 premiere, but Emperor Philippa Georgiou, an alternate version of the character from the Mirror Universe that rules the Terran Empire.
Osunsanmi planned to direct the pilot for this new series, penned by Craig Sweeny. "We actually prepped and had a concept meeting on the pilot of Section 31 while we were finishing and shooting the finale of Disco season 2," he mentions. "So we essentially had two parallel shows happening at the same time."
A few starts and stops, another alternate pilot script treatment from Sweeny, a COVID-19 pandemic, and two Hollywood strikes later, Star Trek: Section 31 now stands as a movie, to be released on Paramount+ next week. Osunsanmi credits the "relentlessness" of Kurtzman, Aaron Baiers (president of TV for Kurtzman's production company, Secret Hideout), and Yeoh herself for keeping it alive. "I can't believe that we actually are on the verge of releasing it to the world after all of that," he says.
Section 31 sees Philippa running a nightclub called the Baraam when she's recruited to join the film's titular squadron, a black-ops division of Starfleet. The other operatives feel representative of classic archetypes of spy and heist movies, but with a Star Trek twist.
I heard there's a part where she contacts her elder counterpart named Eleanor Young from another timeline (the character from Crazy Rich Asians also played by Yeoh) to ask her how she defeated the Khan Noonien Singh of the Mirror Universe in Young's separate, but similar multiversal continuity. (I think J.J. Abrams is serving as an uncredited consultant)

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So if Discovery is no longer part of Star Trek canon, and this movie is an offshoot from Discovery, then this movie is an out-of-canon, new, (not) Star Trek movie?
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All I know, or want to know before watching it, is that the last time we saw her character in a series, she was transported to an unknown time and place.
So, wherever and whenever it takes place, maybe we're not supposed to know until watching the movie?
In any case, if anyone has more information than that, please use SPOILER TAGS to discuss, thanks!
So, wherever and whenever it takes place, maybe we're not supposed to know until watching the movie?
In any case, if anyone has more information than that, please use SPOILER TAGS to discuss, thanks!
Hate to get involved in things I don't even follow... but I only watched the first season of ST Discovery... and by the end, Michelle Yeoh's character was her mirror universe (evil) counterpart who'd taken the place of the original in the series.
So, is this movie about the evil counterpart in the (no longer canon) standard no-longer-Star-Trek universe? Or the story of her character and what happened to her after she got replaced by her evil counterpart?
So, is this movie about the evil counterpart in the (no longer canon) standard no-longer-Star-Trek universe? Or the story of her character and what happened to her after she got replaced by her evil counterpart?
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Also, does "Section 31" refer to an area of space? And if so, is it anywhere near Tittleman's Crest?
Favorite Movies
Also, does "Section 31" refer to an area of space?

Section 31, in the fictional universe of Star Trek, is an autonomous intelligence and defense organization that carries out covert operations for the United Federation of Planets. Created by Ira Steven Behr for the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine episode "Inquisition", the organization was intended to act as a counterbalance to the utopian portrayal of the Federation.
Section 31 settings and characters have appeared in dozens of episodes, novels and comics. In 2019, CBS announced a new series was in development about Section 31, starring Michelle Yeoh. However, this has since been changed to a movie to be streamed on Paramount+.
Ira Steven Behr was inspired by a line of dialogue from Deep Space Nine episode "The Maquis" spoken by Commander Benjamin Sisko: "It's easy to be a saint in paradise." Behr said in the 1999 reference companion to the series, "Why is Earth a paradise in the twenty-fourth century? Well, maybe it's because there's someone watching over it and doing the nasty stuff that no one wants to think about." He expressed an interest of exploring what life was really like for those living the fictional 24th century, saying "Is it this paradise, or are there, as Harold Pinter said, 'Weasels under the coffee table'."
The name, Section 31, is explained in the story as being taken from the fictional Starfleet Charter: Article 14, Section 31. The article, according to agents, allowed for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. Such measures included malicious sabotage of enemy installations and technology, biological warfare, and preemptive assassination.
According to Ronald D. Moore there was considerable debate on the origin of the organization, in particular on how the organization was formed and how long ago.
Section 31 settings and characters have appeared in dozens of episodes, novels and comics. In 2019, CBS announced a new series was in development about Section 31, starring Michelle Yeoh. However, this has since been changed to a movie to be streamed on Paramount+.
Ira Steven Behr was inspired by a line of dialogue from Deep Space Nine episode "The Maquis" spoken by Commander Benjamin Sisko: "It's easy to be a saint in paradise." Behr said in the 1999 reference companion to the series, "Why is Earth a paradise in the twenty-fourth century? Well, maybe it's because there's someone watching over it and doing the nasty stuff that no one wants to think about." He expressed an interest of exploring what life was really like for those living the fictional 24th century, saying "Is it this paradise, or are there, as Harold Pinter said, 'Weasels under the coffee table'."
The name, Section 31, is explained in the story as being taken from the fictional Starfleet Charter: Article 14, Section 31. The article, according to agents, allowed for extraordinary measures to be taken in times of extreme threat. Such measures included malicious sabotage of enemy installations and technology, biological warfare, and preemptive assassination.
According to Ronald D. Moore there was considerable debate on the origin of the organization, in particular on how the organization was formed and how long ago.
You really haven't watched much Trek, have you? 

Maybe they should have called this movie "Section 8".

Favorite Movies
Maybe they should have called this movie "Section 8". 

Well, the movie is... not great.
It may have been trying to be the Guardians of the Galaxy or Suicide Squad of the franchise, but such comparisons actually make it seem an even bigger disappointment.
My kindest take is that maybe this was meant to be the pilot for a new series and that, once they took a look at what they were working with... maybe they decided that going forward with the series might not be the greatest idea ever?
And rather than simply discarding the pilot, they might have decided to present it as a "special movie".
I still love Michelle Yeoh and that alone makes it worth sitting through. But not everyone will be as patient or forgiving.
It may have been trying to be the Guardians of the Galaxy or Suicide Squad of the franchise, but such comparisons actually make it seem an even bigger disappointment.
My kindest take is that maybe this was meant to be the pilot for a new series and that, once they took a look at what they were working with... maybe they decided that going forward with the series might not be the greatest idea ever?
And rather than simply discarding the pilot, they might have decided to present it as a "special movie".
I still love Michelle Yeoh and that alone makes it worth sitting through. But not everyone will be as patient or forgiving.
Good or bad, it's not really in the spirit of Trek. Section 31 is "Enemy Starfleet!" or, at least, the "Murky Morality Trek." Gene's vision was optimistic. Ever more perfected human beings. Section 31 is fundamentally a denial of that vision.