Werwulf (Robert Eggers)


No doubt hoping that lighting will strike twice, Robert Eggers will follow up his Nosferatu with another monster movie for Focus Features, this time called Werwulf (apparently the ancient spelling of werewolf), which he will co-write and direct.

After tackling vampires with Nosferatu, filmmaker Robert Eggers is taking on another horror creature genre in his own inimitable style.

Eggers has co-written Werwulf, a werewolf horror project that he will direct as his next feature.

Focus Features, Universal’s art house division which released and financed Nosferatu, is back in business with the filmmaker for Werwulf. The company has also dated the thriller for a North America release on Christmas Day, 2026. The parties are hoping for more holiday greetings as Nosferatu was also released on Christmas Day and went on to become an improbable hit.

A system of cells interlinked
Popped by to correct the spelling...

Anyway...carry on!
“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

RIP www.moviejustice.com 2002-2010
Unfortunately it looks like Eggers may be going the route of Chris Nolan, with brilliant first two films, followed up by a decent third outing before compromising on what made their first outings so good to cater to more broad appeal faire. The Witch was amazing and a sign of great things to come, but Nosferatu has compromise written all over it and it's a very typical and conventional horror film with lots of jump scares, weak characterization, little dialogue that isn't expository in nature, and a rapid pacing and action and over the top horror film acting over mood and nuance.

I'm sorry guys, but Egger's take on Nosferatu is just not good. It's a C+ film in every regard and I regret spending my money on it, which will be the last Egger's film for the time being that I see in the theater. After the box office bomb, but very interesting The Northman I'm sure he faces pressure to make his films more palatable to dispensable put butt's in the seat use.

This is a hard pass.
"A candy colored clown!"
Member since Fall 2002
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Popped by to correct the spelling...

Anyway...carry on!
Dost thou not knowest ancient medieval grammer?

Unfortunately it looks like Eggers may be going the route of Chris Nolan, with brilliant first two films, followed up by a decent third outing before compromising on what made their first outings so good to cater to more broad appeal faire. The Witch was amazing and a sign of great things to come, but Nosferatu has compromise written all over it and it's a very typical and conventional horror film with lots of jump scares, weak characterization, little dialogue that isn't expository in nature, and a rapid pacing and action and over the top horror film acting over mood and nuance.

I'm sorry guys, but Egger's take on Nosferatu is just not good. It's a C+ film in every regard and I regret spending my money on it, which will be the last Egger's film for the time being that I see in the theater. After the box office bomb, but very interesting The Northman I'm sure he faces pressure to make his films more palatable to dispensable put butt's in the seat use.

This is a hard pass.
Ignore the like. Can we find some way to take those back. Because yikes. It has character, excellent acting, real chills and perfect visuals. Plus, it found that balance between slow pacing and storytelling.

Looking forward to Werwulf as Eggers is now at the top of my list for directors I'll be following.