Describe Yourself in Three Fictional Characters


Obviously! You mistook one of them for vegan Superman.
That's gotta be Brandon Routh?

I didn't include him because I really didn't like that movie.
As much as I disliked Man of Steel, I still think I dislike Superman Returns more.

_____ is the most important thing in my life…
That's gotta be Brandon Routh?


I give him the edge on the Clark Kent angle.

What the hell, I'll do this!...So the movie character formula to make me is...

Take one part, Ferris Bueller

Add in one part, Hans Solo

And mix will with a dash of Orson Welles, ala Harry Lime

Bake until done, but not crusty
and you get ME!
Hey! we're cousins...Or step cousins, 1/3 part.

Jim Carrey in internal Sunshine of the spotless mind because of his loneliness
Jim Carrey in the cable guy because I'm obsessed with movies and make them my world
And John Q sack in high fidelity Lol John Cusack because I tend to like films and music more if they are obscure
And I will add one more so you get a better sense of who I am Danny in the room because of my goofiness and love the Tommy Wiseu can't spell his last name
And the character the pretentious illiterate described by Zach Galafanakis in his stand up comedy act due to my spelling

Nothing good comes from staying with normal people
Apparently, after some thought, I get these three characters as my self-description:

Because, like Yoda, I appriciate the small things in life. Also, if it were possible, I'd never leave my home because I like it too much, so I got that in common with Samwise too.

One part Seras Victoria from Hellsing Ultimate, cause I'm a bit of a goof who sometimes would forget my head if it wasn't attached, but when it's time to work I'm all buisness.

And finally, acording to my family at least, I'm one part Rain man as I'm appatently quite good about remembering movietitles, actors, plots etc. At least better than them.
Why not just kill them? I'll do it! I'll run up to Paris - bam, bam, bam, bam. I'm back before week's end. We spend the treasure. How is this a bad plan?

Welcome to the human race...
What does it say about me that I'd consider adding Tom from Daria to my list...(probably a failed attempt at self-awareness and not just picking characters I think are unambiguously "cool" like so many other people did)

Also, remember when Sci-Fi Slob just straight-up chose an unrepentant neo-Nazi as one of his characters and then got permabanned for racism?
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

Christian from The Accountant
Reason: Because I'm autistic. Blunt, overly logic and boring. The symptoms also matches me with....

Scudder from A Walk Among the Tombstones
Reason: Calm and analytical, but sometimes able to be social. Though with a boring and not-casual attitude

there are no third character I know of

A mix of these 3 I think would be pretty accurate:

As characters which I identified strongly with when I watched their respective movies and on multiple dimensions although not all dimensions.

Although other people often compare me with the following 3 characters:

Well, actually Sheldon is really the mix of the 3 above: he is as antisocial as the joker, he is as self-centered as Momoko, and he is as crazy-smart as Nash.

Alabama Whirly - True Romance
Deb - Empire Records
Sarah - Labyrinth

Glenn Quagmire from Family Guy

Allen Mellencamp in Happiness

Crazy Joe Davola from Seinfeld

Pauline Kael's Hideous Mutant Love CHUD
1.) "Willy Clark" (Walter Matthau), in The Sunshine Boys

2.) "Joe" (George Burns), in Going in Style

3.) "Elwood P. Dowd" (James Stewart), in Harvey

"If it was priggish for an older generation of reviewers to be ashamed of what they enjoyed and to feel they had to be contemptuous of popular entertainment, it's even more priggish for a new movie generation to be so proud of what they enjoy that they use their education to try to place trash within the acceptable academic tradition." -- Pauline Kael