How is The English Patient?

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Of course it has Ralph Fiennes.

I realize this is an old thread, and I haven't watched the film in years, but I like The English Patient. It's exotic and different enough to hold one's attention. It's got flying scenes, and my wife and I are suckers for airplanes.
That's why I liked the book, because the setting sounded so exotic and gorgeous.
I don't care about dislikeable characters- in fact, I really like characters like that. Especially men.

Registered User
Remember that Seinfeld episode where Elaine hates the movie and nearly gets fired because of it?

amateur pianist
Elaine goes, " DIE, DIE ALREADY!"

I thought it was ok.

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I watched it again. I feel the cinematography, music, and the whole production is top notch. But in the end, it feels like the movie held you at a distance the whole time for some reason though instead of really pulling you in. Anyone else think so?

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I watched it again. I feel the cinematography, music, and the whole production is top notch. But in the end, it feels like the movie held you at a distance the whole time for some reason though instead of really pulling you in. Anyone else think so?
Can you elaborate on holding the viewer at a distance?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
There was just something that caused me to be fully invested in the characters. Like for example, sure it's bad what happens to the woman character, but he and the guy did take a lot of risks, which set off consequences, so maybe therefore, I didn't care as much as I should have?

And there is the relationship between the nurse and the mine specialist, but it feels like maybe they are just taking what they can get for the time being, rather than being a more ideal romance?

Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I'm kind of in between Elaine and her boss, Peterman. It didn't really really suck, but it wasn't a masterpiece either. Just kind of good, kind of not.