Brandon Thanasscheeks is whipping the high holy hell out of all us! This doesnt even look competitive at this point, but it is a long season.
MoFo Fantasy Basketball 2024
Brandon Thanasscheeks is whipping the high holy hell out of all us! This doesnt even look competitive at this point, but it is a long season.
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Gah! Spauldings second matchup with me, and again hes spanking me into a weeping puddle.
I seemed to be locked in around 3rd to 5th place so far this year.
I seemed to be locked in around 3rd to 5th place so far this year.
Gah! Spauldings second matchup with me, and again hes spanking me into a weeping puddle.
I seemed to be locked in around 3rd to 5th place so far this year.
I seemed to be locked in around 3rd to 5th place so far this year.
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Less than 24 hours later and?

Well I almost caught up, but theres still alot he could do to me and for me to cry about 

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Damn Sean youre whipping my ass well this week.
Sorry thats all I got content wise for the post. Ive no idea whats going on in NBA or what Im doing lol
Sorry thats all I got content wise for the post. Ive no idea whats going on in NBA or what Im doing lol

Damn Sean youre whipping my ass well this week.
Sorry thats all I got content wise for the post. Ive no idea whats going on in NBA or what Im doing lol
Sorry thats all I got content wise for the post. Ive no idea whats going on in NBA or what Im doing lol

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Brandon has more than doubled his opponents score for the week. This kid is the Death Star. Sean almost has done the same, and Clowns sit just ahead of Sean in the overall rankings. Ive been 4th place. Forever. So Ill guard the podium for you guys. Figure it out amongst yourselves.
Brandon has more than doubled his opponents score for the week. This kid is the Death Star. Sean almost has done the same, and Clowns sit just ahead of Sean in the overall rankings. Ive been 4th place. Forever.
Ill guard the podium for you guys so you can figure it out amongst yourselves.
Ill guard the podium for you guys so you can figure it out amongst yourselves.
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