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Back to the 90s!

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Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Back when it came out, it was a hit. It's aged and cinema has changed so much since the 90s.

The films are more cleaner and clearer.
I'm not sure if I follow. You say Regarding Henry has aged? In what way, I didn't see that myself.

I can say I like films in the 2000s more and it may be because of the digitalization
. I'm not sure what you mean by that? Specifically what do you mean by digitalization?

I feel Regarding Henry has aged. It's a good film but you can tell the celluloid is gritty .

My other comment is in the 2000s they went with a digital process when making films.

Celluloid vs Digital, there is a big difference.

Edit: when I rewatched Regarding Henry recently, it was not remastered. It seemed like an older, gritty copy.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I feel Regarding Henry has aged. It's a good film but you can tell the celluloid is gritty .

My other comment is in the 2000s they went with a digital process when making films.

Celluloid vs Digital, there is a big difference.

Edit: when I rewatched Regarding Henry recently, it was not remastered. It seemed like an older, gritty copy.
Oh I see you mean the video quality, yeah that's probably true.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

River of Grass (1994)
Director: Kelly Reichardt

Kelly Reichardt's first film. The theme of her film is: a bored to tears housewife abandons her baby and husband and takes to the open road with an aimless drifter, their incompetence in crime yields some humorous moments...we then follow this odd couple's ineptitude as they go on the lam.

Reichardt's budding style is apparent with this introspective look at the loan individual, who's lost due to circumstances. Cozy ( Lisa Bowman) is the lost soul. The director's use of voice over narrative gives us a window into Cozy's mind and forms an intimacy that many bigger films lack. Cozy seems real as does the film's world of run down motels and dead end towns.

One can see the greatness in Reichardt with an eye for pulling the viewer into a world of 'nothing' people. The film is rough cut in the opening sequences, I image Reichardt didn't have the funds or means to film more back story for Cozy so went with photographs. It works but isn't as polished as her later movies would be. At 76 minutes this is an easy watch.

90s movie #19

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

Blast From the Past (1999)

'A naive man comes out into the world after spending 35 years in a nuclear fallout shelter.'

Whenever I see a movie for the second time and enjoy it even more than I had the first time and I really liked it the first time around, then I'm going to heap praise on it! Blast From the Past, ain't deep, ain't arthouse, ain't epic and I loved it. It was fun, it had lots of detail and world building, I had a blast watching it. Enough said.

90s movie #20

Kelly Reichardt's later, non-90s work is much better, I think. And yeah I agree Blast from the Past is a lot of fun. Not four star level for me but I liked it and actually have been tempted to watch it again after...geez 25 years! Ugh time...
"Don't be so gloomy. After all it's not that awful. Like the fella says, in Italy for 30 years under the Borgias they had warfare, terror, murder, and bloodshed, but they produced Michelangelo, Leonardo da Vinci, and the Renaissance. In Switzerland they had brotherly love - they had 500 years of democracy and peace, and what did that produce? The cuckoo clock."

@Citizen Rules - Have you seen the movie, Goodfellas, if not here's another movie recommendation. Great mob movie and one of my favorite 90's movies. I think this movie will get the #1 spot on the new 90's countdown list like it did on the old one. if not, I can see it being at least at #2 or #3.
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Trouble with a capitial 'T'
Kelly Reichardt's later, non-90s work is much better, I think. And yeah I agree Blast from the Past is a lot of fun. Not four star level for me but I liked it and actually have been tempted to watch it again after...geez 25 years! Ugh time...
Yup I agree Kelly Reichardt later work is better, she improved that's for sure, but I can still see with River of Grass that she had talent and a unique style. One of my favorite directors working today.

@Citizen Rules - Have you seen the movie, Goodfellas, if not here's another movie recommendation. Great mob movie and one of my favorite 90's movies. I think this movie will get the #1 spot on the new 90's countdown list like it did on the old one. if not, I can see it being at least at #2 or #3.
Yup I'm sure Goodfellas is going to be super high on the countdown. It's a good movie but not the kind that I usually like.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

The Joy Luck Club
(Wayne Wang 1993)

'Four Chinese women along with their mothers delve into their past and try to find answers. Slowly, this search helps them to understand the complex relationship they share with each other.'

I liked this but with the stories of eight different Chinese American women there's just not enough time to do justice to all of their stories. Glad I watched it, enjoyed it but I wish this had been done as an eight-twelve hour mini-series.

90s movie #21

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

The Postman (Kevin Costner 1997)

I liked it! I don't give a hoot what the majority thinks, never have and never well. Just like the postman in the movie, I follow my own path. This was my second time watching this and I not only enjoyed it but it easily held my attention over the 3 hour time span. I've seen plenty of short 90 minute movies that have me bored to tears and checking the clock. The Postman has more than enough going on with its world building and themes of hope. I always enjoy the vastly different visions of future worlds in post apocalyptic sci-fi and The Postman has it's own unique take on that.

The production values are high with numerous on location shooting done in the wilds of the west coast, that adds to the feeling of isolation with civilization gone leaving only a few survivors living in small communities. Now I think I'll get ready to go to the post office.

90s movie #22

Trouble with a capitial 'T'

Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

Currently rated 5.9 at IMDB, and I enjoyed it! And that's rating it too low...this is a romantic-adventure-comedy, you can't hold it to the same standards as a drama. Sure this is silly and all the jokes don't land but the overall story of two different people stranded on a tropical island works! The film was shot on location on the beautiful island of Kaua'i. That is one big reason why I liked the film so much the other was lovely

Anne Heche. Anne really shines in this movie, she's cute, she's feisty, she's funny and she has a great natural short hair-do, she looked great. I was impressed with her enough to watch another of her 90s films. I'm rating this one high out of pure fun enjoyment.

90s movie #23

Allaby's Avatar
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Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

Currently rated 5.9 at IMDB, and I enjoyed it! And that's rating it too low...this is a romantic-adventure-comedy, you can't hold it to the same standards as a drama. Sure this is silly and all the jokes don't land but the overall story of two different people stranded on a tropical island works! The film was shot on location on the beautiful island of Kaua'i. That is one big reason why I liked the film so much the other was lovely

Anne Heche. Anne really shines in this movie, she's cute, she's feisty, she's funny and she has a great natural short hair-do, she looked great. I was impressed with her enough to watch another of her 90s films. I'm rating this one high out of pure fun enjoyment.

90s movie #23
I agree with your review. This was a fun one and is underrated. It's a 7/10 from me.

Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I agree with your review. This was a fun one and is underrated. It's a 7/10 from me.
I'd never seen it before and had only seen Anne Heche in Return to Paradise (1998). Think I'll watch her 90s movie Volcano. Have you seen that?

Allaby's Avatar
Registered User
I'd never seen it before and had only seen Anne Heche in Return to Paradise (1998). Think I'll watch her 90s movie Volcano. Have you seen that?
Yes, I enjoyed Volcano.

Six Days, Seven Nights (1998)

Currently rated 5.9 at IMDB, and I enjoyed it! And that's rating it too low...this is a romantic-adventure-comedy, you can't hold it to the same standards as a drama. Sure this is silly and all the jokes don't land but the overall story of two different people stranded on a tropical island works! The film was shot on location on the beautiful island of Kaua'i. That is one big reason why I liked the film so much the other was lovely

Anne Heche. Anne really shines in this movie, she's cute, she's feisty, she's funny and she has a great natural short hair-do, she looked great. I was impressed with her enough to watch another of her 90s films. I'm rating this one high out of pure fun enjoyment.

90s movie #23

I don't think I've seen Six Days, Seven Nights since I saw it in the theater, but I remember liking it, and not understanding why the reviews weren't good.
It's on my list of rewatches for this countdown to give it a chance to make my list.
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Trouble with a capitial 'T'
I don't think I've seen Six Days, Seven Nights since I saw it in the theater, but I remember liking it, and not understanding why the reviews weren't good.
It's on my list of rewatches for this countdown to give it a chance to make my list.
It's a really fun movie that isn't trying to be super serious. If you like Harrison Ford he's good in it and I thought Anne Heche paired well with him. I know this is silly but I hope it could make the countdown. It might make my ballot just because fun equal good to me.

It's a really fun movie that isn't trying to be super serious. If you like Harrison Ford he's good in it and I thought Anne Heche paired well with him. I know this is silly but I hope it could make the countdown. It might make my ballot just because fun equal good to me.

I love Harrison Ford. I rewatched Patriot Games (1992) already, and it was just as good as I remembered.
I'm going to try to rewatch Clear and Present Danger (1994) for the countdown too.

I have no idea if any of these movies will make my list, but I'm sure that a few of his movies will make my list.
Presumed Innocent (1990), Regarding Henry (1991), The Fugitive (1993), Sabrina (1995), Air Force One (1997), and Random Hearts (1999) are all on my potential list right now, but that list has to be narrowed down quite a bit.