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Mass shootings at mosques in Christchurch, New Zealand


Just asking a question? I Don't agree with his parts of his statement, yes parts.

Anytime any anti Islam statement is made it is generally dismissed or labelled without actually being able to argue specifics.

Islam is the religion of stupidity and death, I've said that before. That doesn't mean I condone the shooting. The shooting is a disgrace and the shooter a wacko coward.
"The real cause of today's bloodshed is immigration policy"

Those were his words. He's blamed Islam for 49 muslims being killed. It is abhorrent. That's just one sentence. The whole statement is vile.

As far as your post saying "Islam is the religion of stupidity and death" - that is just as vile and misrepresentative.

There is stupidity and death in every single walk of life. Your viewpoints are bigoted, out of touch and dangerous.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Then you should be able to specify exactly which parts you disagree with because so far it looks like you're just paraphrasing the same shooting-was-bad-but-Islam-is-still-worse gist of the letter.
The real cause of bloodshed sentence and quoting the Bible at the end. Also the timing of the whole statement, him looking to capitalise in the aftermath.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
"The real cause of today's bloodshed is immigration policy"

Those were his words. He's blamed Islam for 49 muslims being killed. It is abhorrent. That's just one sentence. The whole statement is vile.

As far as your post saying "Islam is the religion of stupidity and death" - that is just as vile and misrepresentative.

There is stupidity and death in every single walk of life. Your viewpoints are bigoted, out of touch and dangerous.
Such viewpoints are a cold uncomfortable reality for the left, and not bigoted or racist.

I dislike that sentence also, posted above in reply to Iro. The entire statement isn't vile, the timing of it is.

Such viewpoints are a cold uncomfortable reality for the left, and not bigoted or racist.

I dislike that sentence also, posted above in reply to Iro. The entire statement isn't vile, the timing of it is.
You are vile.

And you live in a fantasy world.

212 555 6342
Pierce & Pierce: Mergers and Acquisitions
Patrick Bateman
Vice President
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A system of cells interlinked
Let's lock up the personal attacks, or this thread will get locked up.

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Okay, I'm gonna have to say it, since I'm afraid nobody else will. And I know I'm gonna get a lot of crap for it, but... this is what happens when you force multiculturalism upon a nation’s people. This is what happens you let keep borders wide open. This is what happens when you try to impose Islam on the west. This is what happens.

I’m very certain the cultural left and Anderson Cooper on CNN will probably say this all comes down to nothing but “Islamophobia” (which, it technically is - I mean, I don't think anyone in that Mosque was planning on raping kids in Rotterdam or decapitating women). They'll just find a way to spin this into sympathy for open more borders, and make Europe more “multicultural”; “those POOR innocent Muslims are being oppressed by bigotry! The European whites are uh-so afraid of them just because they’re brown and have a religion that isn’t christianity or paganism! They're innocent, and nothing terrible is happening!”

In Europe, societies are being destroyed, some neighborhoods are being turned into trash dumps, and a lot of these places might not ever be the same. I don't think that's a good thing, or a healthy thing - to take people who build statues, create wealth, invent science, and replace them with people who murder and rape in the name Allah. I'm sorry. I just don't think that's good. I know it's insensitive. But it's too late now to tiptoe around it, or use a bunch of mumbo-jumbo to explain it differently. This is just the way it is: Europe is being invaded. We're putting Western Civilization on the altar as a sacrifice to white guilt because we're worried some frizzy-haired Afro transsexual will wag his finger at us.

The Muslims that have been invading Europe are not innocent, exceptional individuals. There are a good portion of exceptions, but the majority of them have been doing the same crap to the people that let them into their countries for years now. I’ve been waiting for a mass shooting in Sweden (well, aside from the ones done by Jihadists) for I don’t know how long now, because someone in that god forsaken shell-of-a-once-great-country is going to snap eventually. This dude was probably thinking "They rape our women and kill us, so we should sit back and do nothing? How can we kick them out? Killing is not a good solution, but what other solution is there?"

Also, this doesn’t exempt him from this. There’s no justifying this behavior. However, we can’t let this be an example for the wrong reasons. People like this will continue to do these things in retaliation. More innocent Muslims and foreigners will be murdered. Stuff like this is going to continue unless we act right freaking now. I hope this is a wakeup call for the EU, multiculturalists, and everyone on the left. But, it probably won’t (much like all the terror brought upon by Islam extremists went unnoticed, so much so that you could get sent to jail for even reporting it).

And no way this is getting memoryholed. So, congrats a-hole, not only did you fail to beat a group of people at their own game (which is stupid, because you became nothing but an exponent of their violent pathology), but you also murdered a bunch of innocent people and gave the liberal globalists the best thing they could ask for.

Anyway, can't wait for the hot takes on how Trump is somehow responsible for all of this.
I just read the 74 page manifesto of that terrorist, and I am afraid you sound hauntingly similar to him.

There's a difference between talking about minority appeasement, demography change and blaming an entire community. Unfortunately you just did the latter, even though I like to believe that you wanted to do the former.

What Sedai said: target the view (preferably in a substantive and thorough way), not the person expressing it, or the thread will be locked.

Welcome to the human race...
The real cause of bloodshed sentence and quoting the Bible at the end. Also the timing of the whole statement, him looking to capitalise in the aftermath.
So it's a couple of minor (practically trivial) details that are the problem? Might as well lump in the letterhead while you're at it.
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

So it's a couple of minor (practically trivial) details
The first thing doesn't seem trivial. Saying it was the "real cause" is probably the most objectionable thing in the whole letter.

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Damn I guess you win, lowering my head in shame. How will I live with myself....

Welcome to the human race...
The first thing doesn't seem trivial. Saying it was the "real cause" is probably the most objectionable thing in the whole letter.
Fair point, it just comes across as trivial because the underlying sentiment is still the same.

I've deleted several posts. This thread is not the place for you to air your general dissatisfaction with issues of terrorism or Islam, particularly given some people's propensity to try to turn every thread into a discussion of those things. This is about a specific event, and if it strays beyond that again, I'm locking it.

I just read the 74 page manifesto of that terrorist, and I am afraid you sound hauntingly similar to him.
Uh-oh, here we go with leftist rhetoric #14: "this guy sounds kinda nationalistic and potentiality right-wing... therefore he's a NAAAAAAZI."

lmao, this statement from you actually chuckled me up a bit. The very thought of me eventually becoming a neo-nazi who starts randomly killing non-whites is so hilarious due to how bafflingly absurd and awful it is. I can't help but feel that's one of my many crazy Twilight Zone endings.

There's a difference between talking about minority appeasement, demography change and blaming an entire community. Unfortunately you just did the latter, even though I like to believe that you wanted to do the former.
Germany's Migrant Rape Crisis: January 2017
  • The actual number of migrant-related sex crimes in Germany is at least two or three times higher than the official number. Only 10% of the sex crimes committed in Germany appear in the official statistics. — André Schulz, head of the Criminal Police Association.
  • An even more toxic practice is for police deliberately to omit any references to migrants in crime reports. This lapse makes it impossible for German citizens to understand the true scale of the migrant crime problem.
  • City police asked German media to delete any images of the suspect. A note for editors stated: "The legal basis for publishing the surveillance photos has been dispensed with. We strongly urge you to take this into account in future reporting and to remove and/or make changes to existing publications."
  • "As a refugee, it is difficult to find a girlfriend." — Asif M., a 26-year-old asylum seeker from Pakistan, in court on charges he raped one woman and attempted to rape five others.

A Group Of Swedish Girls Were Sexually Assaulted By A Group Of Men From A "Foreign Background" At a Music Festival At Malmo's Pildammsparken Park

Hundreds of Women attacked in front of the railway station in Cologne. Among other things, they were subjected to thefts, threats and sexual abuse.

Large Groups Of Muslim Men Sexually Assaulted Swedish Girls On New Year's Eve In The Cities Of Kalmar And Malmo

A Poll By The Inizio Polling Institute Found That 46% Of Swedish Women Feel Unsafe When They Go Out Alone At Night

Local Police In Ostersund Issued A Warning That Women Are Not Safe Outdoors After Dark

Preliminary 2016 stats:
  • In 2016, more than 275 000 reported crimes against the person (Chapter 3-7. Penal Code), which is 17 500 (+7 percent) more crimes than the 2015 assault offenses increased by 4 per cent to 88 000 crimes. Assault against man over 18 years rose 1 percent, and abuse against children 0-17 years increased by 14 percent. The number of reported assaults against women over 18 years were basically unchanged from the previous year.
  • Reported offenses of gross violations of women increased by 2 percent to 1,870 crimes reported in 2016, and gross violation of integrity increased by 11 percent to 1 680 reported crimes.
  • The number of reported rapes increased by 13 percent to 6560 crime, while the reported crimes of sexual coercion and exploitation decreased 1 percent to 1 240. The number of reported crimes of sexual assault increased by 20 per cent to 10 500 crimes. • Notified assault increased by 5 per cent to 54 200 crimes, while notified molestation fell 2 percent to 55,400 crimes.

Not to mention the European countries that label crime statistics as “hate speech” in order to shut down anyone who opposes them, and you also get in big trouble for reporting crimes committed by immigrants too (because we sure don't wanna be racist).

I don't know why so many immigrants to Europe seem so stalwart against assimilating into the culture that has shown them the grace and generosity of accepting them within their own borders. And if I was routinely encountering foreigners who pretended not to understand me when I speak just to get under my skin, or had no respect for hygiene concerns and cleanliness-concerned laws, or if there were rape gangs stalking about and I legitimately had to consider the foreigners as a primary factor when I was trying to keep my female friends and relatives safe from violation, then the problem would feel a lot closer to home for me. That's not even mentioning the rest of the atrocities they commit.

The sweeping under the carpet of racial/ethnic identities of rapists when it doesn't suit the leftist's narrative is by far the most galling aspect. As if innocent girls deserve to get raped just to preserve the lie that culture clash is at unacceptable levels and that the home culture does not deserve to have its freedoms and security respected because it's their own turf that immigrants are coming to (and bringing nothing of value to earn it) in the first place.

And who do you think I'm blaming? The immigrants? No.

Although, what they have done to Europe is pretty terrible (although with a plethora of other migrants from other countries), I don't hold anything aganist them personally. The fact that there's a group of high-end officials who (supposedly) represent the people and the well-being of the nation, who then allow these third-worlders to grab their balls and yank them off... I can't really be mad at the third-worlders for that. Nor am I blaming them.

But I guess you're just okay with tragedies such as the shooting being part and parcel of living in a large, enforced, crime-ridden multicultural wonderland then. Welcome to your future, I suppose.

Apologies if it seemed I was getting off track. Not my intention. Nor am I trying to vent any frustration (although I do have plenty that I would normally LOVE to share).

It's just about going over the current state of Europe, and how it plays into why this shooter did what he did.

Considering the nature and the motive behind the shooting, it's clear these things evidently go together hand-and-hand.

I agree some general discussion about the larger issue is inevitable and reasonable. I'm just precluding the script some people have in their head that they basically copy-paste any time anything related to these issues takes place, regardless of the specific circumstances.

Part of the rationale here is that I've tried to draw a number of people out of these scripts and into actual discussions, and it tellingly never works. Some people like to use a forum as a way to force others to listen to their opinions under the guise of wanting a discussion that somehow never materializes. To them I always say: go start a blog.

What happened in Christchurch is a terrible tragedy. Today it was mosques. Maybe on Sunday it will be my Roman Catholic cathedral. Or an African-Methodist church in NYC. Maybe Mormons in Salt Lake City. Or Episcopalians in Maine. Maybe a Church of England service.

Nobody is safe.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.