Horror movie that I saw in the 90's and cannot find


There was an ominous and dark large estate/castle. This woman got out of her bed and went out the glass door in her room the back patio at night, there was a garden maze up ahead of her. She went into the maze and in the center, there was a flat stone that she laid down on. This beast/werewolf thing came out from behind some hedges and essentially ate the girl's boob. She wasn't afraid though, there wasn't any screaming or anything. She looked like she was kind of in a trance, also her noises sounded more like moaning (semi sensuously).

tldr: scary movie, dark castle, girl goes into a garden maze at night, werewolf

I've no idea what's going on - I was just playing oneupmanship

If The Rodent gets this one right he gets a free internet car!
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

That was definitely it, thank you guys so much I really appreciate the help