Desperate, looking for movie, can only remember one scene.


Cheers guys,

I need help. A while ago I have seen a video clip of a woman sitting in an office. Behind the desk of the office was a man in a suit. He turned out to be... not god but a kind of manager of heaven or whatever place you go to in the afterlife. She asked him if she was dead and if this was the afterlife, which he confirmed. He was quite nice, the scene was not sad but rather had a comic vibe to it. She then pointed at a framed picture of a random dude on the wall, asking who that is. The manager behind the desk said: "That's ... (I wanna say Jeffrey something), he is kind of a star around here" and went on to tell her that he did some kind of drugs back when he was still alive and then went on a long monologue about what happens after death in which he coincidentally came extremely close to how the afterlife actually his, hence his popularity up there.

That is pretty much all I remember. I don't even know if it is from a movie or if it is just an isolated video clip. However I think about this scene so often and I would love to see it again. If anyone here knows it, It would be amazing if you could let me know where it is from or what it is called.

Anyway thank you and best greetings


Alright. Thanks!