Filmmaker Swan


@Swan OMG. I love that one! And the music!!!

Feels like a teaser to a full length film. WANT TO SEE!!!
Thanks. By the way, my fellow Fulci fan, you were one of the people I thought of while I was getting the shot of my Zombie wallet.

Thanks. By the way, my fellow Fulci fan, you were one of the people I thought of while I was getting the shot of my Zombie wallet.
OMG!!! I saw that cover and I was like YAAAAS!!!!!!!
You're an enigma, cat_sidhe.

I'm just getting the 'spinning wheel of death' on that new one - will try again another time ..... unless of course if it's supposed to be just over 30 seconds of 'spinning wheel of death' in which case I gotta be honest mate and say I thought it sucked pretty badly

I'm just getting the 'spinning wheel of death' on that new one - will try again another time ..... unless of course if it's supposed to be just over 30 seconds of 'spinning wheel of death' in which case I gotta be honest mate and say I thought it sucked pretty badly
Damn. I was trying to make a really meta critique of YouTube's slow loading times. I have failed...

Just tried again and still no go

*sigh* should've known this day would come as so many artists make their work unavailable unless paid for

Curious why it's not working for you. I hope it's not an upload error or something. It must be on your end if it's working for others?

Curious why it's not working for you. I hope it's not an upload error or something. It must be on your end if it's working for others?
there's nothing wrong with my end lol - this is patently racism

Both mobile and desktop? Irish internets says no?
Mobile? What's that then??

Racist against chipmunks? Or should I say chypmunks?
Animalist? Rodentist?? Speciesist then

there's nothing wrong with my end lol - this is patently racism
Hmmm. This is truly baffling. Anyone have any ideas what's going on?

Plays now ... I likes it Mr Swan
Amazing what throwing a few 'ists' at something can do innit

Plays now ... I likes it Mr Swan
Amazing what throwing a few 'ists' at something can do
Yes! Thank for watching buddy.

You are a true buddyist...... hopefully that ist will bring me good luck.

You can't win an argument just by being right!
That last one is unreal. So happy you're doing this, Swany.


Idk. Not too happy with this one. I think I would have been a month ago (when I started all this), though, interestingly enough. Guess that means I need to step up my game.

Wow Swan, these are great. Very unsettling () Can't wait to see more.

“The Universe is under no obligation to make sense to you.”
― Neil deGrasse Tyson