Directed by David Fincher
This English-language adaptation of the Swedish novel by Stieg Larsson follows a disgraced journalist, Mikael Blomkvist (Daniel Craig), as he investigates the disappearance of a wealthy patriarch's niece from 40 years ago. He is aided by the pierced, tattooed, punk computer hacker named Lisbeth Salander (Rooney Mara). As they work together in the investigation, Blomkvist and Salander uncover immense corruption beyond anything they have ever imagined (plot).
What is hidden in snow, comes forth in the thaw (Great Tagline!), I was really looking forward to The Girl With The Dragon Tattoo ever since I learned that David Fincher had been attached to, First i didn't see the Swedish version or read the novel, so i can't say if this film best than the first version, or the adaptation was best than the novel!, so i will talk about what i saw in "Fincher Film".
About the film, without a Spoilers words, I completely loved it, I usually like thrillers and mysteries, but this one is even better. It's not only thriller, it's also drama and the characterization is strong and it shakes you all the time along. The plot actually contains two story lines, Vanger family and Lisbeth Salander, which eventually clash together, and each is fantastic by itself. Story is intriguing, it doesn't back out one bit from telling the ugly truth and it doesn't even soften it. It says straight in your face everything you need to know. With no sugar-coding at all.
Now the Acting : I want to say about this movie is Rooney Mara's performance, she knocks it out of the park portraying Lisbeth Salander, she captured the mystery, the strangeness, the darkness, the out-of-the- norm personality that this character had. She was absolutely fantastic, she was really great and when you see her expressions you will feel her in the darker parts of this movie, which we'll get to in a moment, Daniel Craig is great as usual and there is great chemistry between him and Mara. Christopher Plummer, as little as he's in the movie, does a great job as well, in fact all the actors do. This is a really well acted movie.
David Fincher has put his trademark darkness to fantastic use. Whether its sweeping shots of freezing, snow covered Sweden or wonderfully eerie interiors Fincher creates an unsettling atmosphere that is unrelenting and technically perfect. With Fincher i've learnt to expect a beautifully shot film and this is no exception, within this film are some of his greatest images. Regarding the disturbing nature of some scenes, Fincher is wise enough to show them in all their horror but doesn't stop to linger or exploit.
Finally, this film is absolutely amazing, it does in my opinion, despite speculation, the movie moves at a break neck speed from the beautiful opening sequence, wonderfully reminiscent of Fight Club all the way through an astonishing piece of movie making to the end, definitely on of the best in 2011, stop thinking and when you see Fincher in the poster what ..what do you expect from him?Masterpiece.