A John Carpenter double-feature...
Escape from New York (1981) - Re-watched after years; which proved how my first encounter (on a tiny monitor) didn't do it any justice, as its visually and tonally best to be experienced on the biggest screen possible... and I loved it. Wouldn't have my 1999 big apple in a doomed alternative universe any other way than cabby Ernest Borgnine driving a quiet Kurt Russel, Adrienne Barbeau and Harry Dean Stanton around.
Prince of Darkness (1987) - Remains one of the most unique depictions of devil in the genre that I've seen. It's a crime that it's not more beloved - or even seen.
8-9/10 for both... Inject that 80s synth into my veins, dammit.
Escape from New York (1981) - Re-watched after years; which proved how my first encounter (on a tiny monitor) didn't do it any justice, as its visually and tonally best to be experienced on the biggest screen possible... and I loved it. Wouldn't have my 1999 big apple in a doomed alternative universe any other way than cabby Ernest Borgnine driving a quiet Kurt Russel, Adrienne Barbeau and Harry Dean Stanton around.
Prince of Darkness (1987) - Remains one of the most unique depictions of devil in the genre that I've seen. It's a crime that it's not more beloved - or even seen.
8-9/10 for both... Inject that 80s synth into my veins, dammit.