Back then, for sure. One of the first things that happened to me. That stuck in my head, though, so when I went back to play it again all those years later, I still remembered not to wander around in the dark.
In full disclosure, I did fairly well with the later play through, but did have to resort to a walkthrough at one point because I just couldn't figure out how to progress. This was pretty far into the game and the solution was pretty obtuse.
In full disclosure, I did fairly well with the later play through, but did have to resort to a walkthrough at one point because I just couldn't figure out how to progress. This was pretty far into the game and the solution was pretty obtuse.
The ones requiring the most consulting? Probably the two Star Trek ones from the '90s, 25th Anniversary and Judgement Rites, and The Longest Journey (which I never finished, sadly). Great games, but some obtuse puzzles for sure.
Last edited by Torgo; 1 week ago at 01:11 PM.