Documentary about Russian Orthodox Chants


Hi guys, how are you?

I want to know if anyone can help me finding a documentary which shows various russian orthodox chants performed by different chorals and filmed at different locations, and here are allwhat I can remember:

1. I think there wasn't a narration, no narrator's voice, just a sequence of chants, once one chant ends, the other starts, and so on.
2. I watched the documentary in 2001.
3. I watched it on a french-german tv channel called "arte", the documentary may have been produced by the same channel, but not sure.

4. The chants were fimed in different locations (churches, monasteries....etc), and performed by different choarls.

Thank you guys for any help

It is next difficult riddle. Maybe something like Russian Orthodox: Choral Music ?

I was looking for different documentary movies from IMDB database, but no result.

I thought I'd try TMDB, but that still hasn't helped me. Here are the Arte channel TV shows, but I couldn't find one that seemed to fit: Arte Channel TV shows

Hi wositelec, thank you so much, yes its another riddle, lol

Hi OHForums, thank you for the list, as you said there isn't a documentary that seems to fit, but thank you a lot, thanks

Thank you guys

Registered User
Are you 100% certain it was Russian Orthodox?
Could it have been some other "Orthodox" sect, like Greek Orthodox?
Could it even have been Roman Catholic?
Lots of Christian groups have chanting, and churches, monasteries, choirs . . .
Could it even have been a combination of these, looking at lots of different monastic chanting without focusing on any one sect?

Hi KEVP, how are you?

Are you 100% certain it was Russian Orthodox?
Could it have been some other "Orthodox" sect, like Greek Orthodox?
Could it even have been Roman Catholic?
Lots of Christian groups have chanting, and churches, monasteries, choirs . . .
Could it even have been a combination of these, looking at lots of different monastic chanting without focusing on any one sect?
I'm sure that it was about russian orthodox chants, I remember that I've read it in the teletext.

Thanks KEVP

Registered User
Okay, if it definitely was Russian Orthodox, then it was probably filmed at cathedrals, churches, and monasteries in Russia.

Okay, if it definitely was Russian Orthodox, then it was probably filmed at cathedrals, churches, and monasteries in Russia.
Yes, of course, it was most likely exclusively in Russia, by "different locations" I meant "locations within Russia" not "different locations outside Russia".

Thanks KEVP

Maybe Milenium rosyjskiej cerkwi prawosławnej (1988) ? It is Polish documentary, but I didn't find any video.
I'm looking for prison movie:

Hi wositelec, it's hard to guess if it is the right documentary without watching the video, but this documentary seems interesting to watch, I'll do if I get the opportunity.

Thank you again my friend

It is very long shot, but maybe L'héritage de la chouette ?
Musique ou L'espace de dedans
Episode aired Mar 9, 1990

As music (again a Greek word) stemmed from imitating nature's sounds and in Byzantine/ Orthodox times became an expression of suffering and misery, Marker challenges with new experimental examples from the UPIC studio and Iannis Xenakis.

Hi wositelec, so appreciative to your help and efforts

I don't think its the right documentary, first because I told about Russian not Greek/Byzantine Orthodox chants, secondly because I told that it seems that there wasn't a narrator's voice.

Again, thank you so much my friend