Learning English and/or other languages


Ohhh, I love Mel Gibson. I have this movie but I haven't watched it yet. He looks really, really good in the movie Tim, where he plays a mildly retarded man. Powderfinger, you can be my Tim. But Mel looks better in that movie than you do.

You're retarded, that's why it would be difficult to get a date on New Years Eve!

I'm actually learning Finnish, Jarvi,Anteeski.
no one else is dealing with your demons friend - tyler joseph.

Ohhh, I love Mel Gibson. I have this movie but I haven't watched it yet. He looks really, really good in the movie Tim, where he plays a mildly retarded man. Powderfinger, you can be my Tim. But Mel looks better in that movie than you do.
Even though I have had 2 brain injuries I could buy and sell you...pretty cheaply! That's the honest truth mate. No crap mate...

Even though I have had 2 brain injuries I could buy and sell you...pretty cheaply! That's the honest truth mate. No crap mate...
Oh, you want to buy me, eh? What would you do once you bought me? Before you sold me, that is.

Oh, you want to buy me, eh? What would you do once you bought me? Before you sold me, that is.
I would get you at bargain price...no crap! There wouldn't even be a 1 year warranty with you! lol!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I've seen Proposition. Haven't seen the rest, though. Thanks.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Do you guys have any idea how to improve my English? I have been given the suggestion to watch films in English, or TV series, but I am not really keen on TV series, and when it comes to films I've already seen a lot of English-language movies and lately I've been watching only foreign ones. I often watch English-language films with Polish subtitles or English subtitles or foreign movies with English subtitles. I tried to watch several movies without any subtitles and I understood the plot, but didn't understand everything, which was a very discouraging thing to me. It is good to watch some teen comedies, as they speak easy English there, they say, but I don't really want to watch them, as they are piece of crap. I learn new vocabulary almost every day by just surfing the Net, but I still think it's not enough. I've translated a lot of articles to English. It's a good method as well, but it's very tiresome. Any ideas?

Do you guys have any idea how to improve my English? I have been given the suggestion to watch films in English, or TV series, but I am not really keen on TV series, and when it comes to films I've already seen a lot of English-language movies and lately I've been watching only foreign ones. I often watch English-language films with Polish subtitles or English subtitles or foreign movies with English subtitles. I tried to watch several movies without any subtitles and I understood the plot, but didn't understand everything, which was a very discouraging thing to me. It is good to watch some teen comedies, as they speak easy English there, they say, but I don't really want to watch them, as they are piece of crap. I learn new vocabulary almost every day by just surfing the Net, but I still think it's not enough. I've translated a lot of articles to English. It's a good method as well, but it's very tiresome. Any ideas?

What do you mean by Improve?? I'm trying to learn Basic Finnish & Swedish. I'm not worried about making myself sound sophisticated all I want to know is how to speak the language.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
By 'improve' I mean 'improve'.
I'd like to know more words and understand more when listening to someone speaking.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
I was such a dummy. Who needs words like "monomaniac", or "demure". I deride them! I do know a myriad of different words! A true verbal cornucopia! I mean, so many people are extoling my linguistic skills. They're simply flabbergasted! And it's not that I'm haughty, but I believe I'm erudite enough to pass off as an American, To pass off as a Brit... I still have to work on it. Sorry if my last sentence seemed fractious.
Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

To pass off as a Brit... I still have to work on it.
You would need elocution lessons to pass as a Brit. No matter how well you speak English, your Polish accent will give you away.
I’m here only on Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays. That’s why I’m here now.

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
No matter how well you speak English, your Polish accent will give you away.

Learning English since kindergarten! Mixed parents. Dad's traveling job. So languages are a mix for me. But English has been constant throughout my life.
My Favorite Films

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Well, I started learning English at the age of 13.

I'm trying to relearn French again since I started watching more French Cinema again. It's funny because it was the bored dull conveyor belt of Hollywood gross that caused me to look elsewhere for new storytelling and international cinema has been fantastic for it.

So currently I'm at beginner French and beginner Gaelic.

I started learning French as well. That language in pure honey on ice cream!

But since there was no one to talk to, never really got a grasp of forming sentences for a conversation. I had a friend from from Marseilles, but ever since he got a GF, he has completely disappeared!

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
but ever since he got a GF, he has completely disappeared!
Disappeared? What if she belongs to human trafficking mafia?!

I only know a couple of words in French. And one figure of speech. La petite mort.

You know what happens, lovey-dovey new romance effect.

Fav would be Sacre Bleu!!

I learned Latin & French at school in England. French is exquisite IMO, but nobody speaks French in America, especially where I live. The city I live in one could speak Spanish only & not miss a thing. I’ve been learning some Spanish from the internet to help with my church volunteer work, but wishing I had learned it properly years ago. Many people here don’t speak English & speaking Spanish would have helped enormously. And it surprises me how different it is from French. Many French words I can suss out the meaning etymologically, but Spanish is harder.