Originally Posted by Sleezy
And I agree. Which is why I think, if Dan Brown really wanted to make people believe his facts, he wouldn't have written a novel to do it.
I'm gonna disagree again, but purely on a theoretical level .

The accusation is that Brown is trying to push a belief system (as well as facts).

When authors try and communicate theories/ideals etc in a novel it's often because they can't make their case convincingly in a purely factual medium.

Also, although belief systems still rely on facts, they often tie them together with stories. Stories and beliefs have a long, shared history. They go hand in hand.

In this sense, the novel would be a perfect medium for attempting to diseminate beliefs.

(There's also the greater/broader readership potential of the novel as well of course, compared to many purely-factual publications - that would appeal to any author trying to communicate either facts or beliefs to the world at large)

It's all theoretical tho .

Originally Posted by linepalsy
I haven't seen the movie but have read the book, and from what I recall, it is quite ideologically loaded, to say nothing of the whole evil Freemason conspiracy, and the convoluted plot of the crown to cover up scandal by unleashing a psychopath on blackmailing prostitutes. Somehow I doubt that made it into the movie version though.
Blimey. Guess i should've mentioned that i haven't seen the film either .

I'm just opinionated. Does it show? I think it shows
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