Looking for a movie, please help.


Registered User
In the scene I'm thinking of, there is a chase where they have to run over very large floating tree logs next to the pier. Since it's the bad guy's turf, he traverses over the logs no problem, where as the detective chasing him slips and gets caught underneath and trapped.

This is literally all I remember about the movie right now Does anyone know what movie this is?

Registered User
Just checked it...

Unfortunately no, this is not the one I'm thinking of. In Stakeout it's the bad guy getting trapped, the one I'm thinking of it's the good guy.

Good suggestion @cricket

Registered User
Wow, found it. After a bit of searching on google I found a Roger Ebert review journal with exactly what I was searching after searching the tag line "chase across floating logs." Pretty lucky for me.

Insomnia (2002)

Wow, found it. After a bit of searching on google I found a Roger Ebert review journal with exactly what I was searching after searching the tag line "chase across floating logs." Pretty lucky for me.

Insomnia (2002)
You know there are two versions.. the original Norwegian version from 1997 and the American remake from 2002.

Registered User
You know there are two versions.. the original Norwegian version from 1997 and the American remake from 2002.

Actually I did not. Will have to look into the 1997 version.

Registered User
Already on my holds list for library pickup. Thanks for the heads up!