Trying to find a specific horror movie...


Registered User
Can someone please help me, I'm looking for a specific horror movie.

In it, all I can remember is that 3 or 4 teenagers/young adults use black metallic paint and paint this rectangle on the cement ground. I think they put a picture frame over it before some kind of portal is created for a creature to come out of.

I posted this in General Discussion before I saw there was a specific part of the forum for this kind of thing.

Registered User
No, it is not either of those. It's fairly new, not the last couple years, but definitely within the last 7 or so years.

At first I thought it was one of the Paranormal movies, or one of the Ouija movies. I know it's not a Paranormal Activity movie cause I watched those recently...

Registered User

Registered User
I thought at one point they are using a Ouija board in it. Not sure if the location where they paint for the frame is either a basement of some kind or maybe an abandoned warehouse...

are the teenagers all female?

Registered User
I'm not sure, they could be but I'm not positive.