Ninety-Nine (99) MoFos found this an offer they couldn't refuse and submitted ballots, and I thank each and every one of you...yes, even Sexy Celebrity. Obviously this exercise is beyond futile without your support, and so many of you came out to play. Who are all ya all...?
7thson, Aniko, Austruck, bluedeed, BlueLion, Brother Blue, BrowningIdentity, Callum, Camo, Captain Spaulding, Christine, Citizen Rules, Cobpyth, cricket, dadgumbah, Daniel M, Deadite, Derek Vinyard, Ðèstîñy, donniedarko, earlsmoviepicks, edarsenal, Frightened Inmate No. 2, gajughead, gandalf25, gbgoodies, Gideon58, Godoggo, Golgot, Guaporense, The Gunslinger45, Harry Lime, Hit Girl, HitchFan97, Hitchcockian, Holden Pike, honeykid, iluv2viddyfilms, IrishSansRed, Jack1, jal90, JayDee, jiraffejustin, jrs, Kaplan, -KhaN-, linespalsy, Lucas, mark f, meatwadsprite, mikeython1, Mingusings, Miss Vicky, mojofilter, Monkeypunch, moviefan1996, Mr.Minio, Mr.Sparkle, Nausicaä, Nemanja, n3wt, Norman Desmond, nostromo87, OMEGA5, Peter Vincent, Powdered Water, Pussy Galore, Pyro Tramp, rauldc14, Rhys, The Rodent, the samoan lawyer, SamsoniteDelilah, Sane, sarah f, The Sci-Fi Slob, séance, Sedai, Sexy Celebrity, Shadow, Sinny McGuffins, Skepsis93, Swan, syj, Tacitus, teeter_g, Thursday Next, TokeZa, TONGO, Tyler1, TylerDurden99, Upton, The Usual Suspect, WBadger, weeman, wintertriangles, Yasashii, Yoda, and Zotis
Special thanks to Skepsis93 for being there for questions, some of them dumb, and most of all for providing such a kick-ass template and high bar to aim for with his Top 100 of the 1980s list. To Daniel M for his magical spreadsheet with its movie-counting formula making this task at all do-able, and for patiently explaining to this particular Luddite how to use it. And of course to Yoda for his input and for keeping up such a wonderful virtual sandbox for all of us cinematic idiots to gripe and gush at each other in, over movies and whatever other nonsense tickles our fancies.
For those late to the party, films received one to twenty-five points, depending on its place on each MoFo's numbered ballot. Four hundred and twenty-seven different films received votes, these are the films with the highest point totals, revealed from number one hundred on down to numero uno. Ties are broken by which film appeared on more ballots. Two titles will be revealed per day, until we reach the top ten. Please still do not publicly reveal all of your personal choices until the entire list has been presented, but otherwise feel free to remark where certain films were on your ballot, as they come up. Of course chat up the list as we go, and speculate all the live long day.
Now...let's go the distance!
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
"Film is a disease. When it infects your bloodstream it takes over as the number one hormone. It bosses the enzymes, directs the pineal gland, plays Iago to your psyche. As with heroin, the antidote to Film is more Film." - Frank Capra
Last edited by Holden Pike; 08-14-14 at 10:23 AM.