Black and white Sweden movie about a dream


Hello, my father is looking for a movie that he saw years ago. He is telling the movie as black and white (not sure, maybe some other colors can appear somewhere), a Sweden movie, which describes a dream (most probably), he remembers a horseman (the horseman may be coming to the screen, maybe an iconic scene or not), and unfortunately we don't know which years that the movie released. He watched it in the 2000s at a festival in our country and we don't know which festival was and for this reason, the film can be from any year.

So, there is not much information . But I wanted to try my luck just in case the movie can be a famous one. Do you have any idea?

I am afraid it's not . I guess the movie is without voice (it can be with subtitles). But thank you for the help

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As a swede I can't recall I have seen this movie. Back and white you say? First that comes to mind is Ingmar Bergman "The seventh seal" from 1957

I havent seen it my self. But could it be it?

Sorry if I'm rude but I'm right
Wild Strawberries (1957)?

Look, I'm not judging you - after all, I'm posting here myself, but maybe, just maybe, if you spent less time here and more time watching films, maybe, and I stress, maybe your taste would be of some value. Just a thought, ya know.

As a swede I can't recall I have seen this movie. Back and white you say? First that comes to mind is Ingmar Bergman "The seventh seal" from 1957

I havent seen it my self. But could it be it?
I second The Seventh Seal.

As a swede I can't recall I have seen this movie. Back and white you say? First that comes to mind is Ingmar Bergman "The seventh seal" from 1957

I havent seen it my self. But could it be it?
Max von Sydow does play a knight travelling along who meets up with 2 men and a woman - who may be in a wagon/caravan. The knight ends up playing "Death" in a game of chess. They talk to each other while playing the game. It's been a long time since I've seen it. I don't remember a dream scene but other parts do fit. This movie is highly regarded, so it would make sense to be shown at that type of event.

Based on the limited information provided, it's difficult to identify the movie your father is looking for. However, there are a few Swedish films that feature horsemen and dream sequences that might fit the description.

One possibility is Ingmar Bergman's "The Seventh Seal" (1957), which is a black and white Swedish film that features a famous scene with a knight playing chess with Death. The film also includes dream sequences and horsemen.

Another possibility is "Hour of the Wolf" (1968), also directed by Ingmar Bergman. This film is in black and white, and tells the story of a painter who has strange and terrifying nightmares.

Finally, "Persona" (1966), another film by Ingmar Bergman, features a dreamlike sequence with a horse and is shot in black and white.

These are just a few possibilities, and there may be other Swedish films that fit the description. Without more specific details, it's difficult to identify the exact movie your father is looking for.