Movie set in Egypt early 1900s


Hello, trying to remember a movie from a long time ago! Hard to say if it's from the 1990s or early 2000s. But the bits and pieces I do remember about the movie is its set possibly 1930s to 60s, a rich group of people are in Egypt. Something about what they think is a curse killing these rich folks, but it turns out the kids (who are adults now) that are with the rich family, two ladies I think, were abusing them when they were kids. The actual parents are getting revenge but making it look like an Egyptian curse. The Two people kill themselves in the end. I remember there is a very pretty red head girl. Cannot for the life of me remember much else. Hope this description helps. Any help would be awesome

Still haven't been able to find it. Any help would be great

Thank you for the reply, but I don't think this is the movie I'm looking for

Could it be Sphinx (1981)?