Movie about teen couple, boy runs away


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The movie is about a teen couple.

Girl name unknown. - After grown up looks like Sandra Bullock
Boy name unknown. - After grown up looks like Paul Walker
Old guy name unknown.

This boy ran away from his family And was raining so he dicided to stop and there was a nearby warehouse so he slept in there. At the morning an old guy pointed a shotgun or something on the boy's head and he ask this and that. The boy said he has no place to live so the old guy said he could stay at the farm.

Then the boy went to a party or something she saw a girl and this and that. Then when he was about to go back his car needs to get pushed in oder to mke it start.then the girl came down from her friends car and helped the boy push his car. This and that.

Then the next day,
They went to highschool/college and the boy saw the girl having issues with her car so he came by and helped. So the boy check his car and relised the batry plug was not plugged as he knew the girl intended to do it.

Then to the middle of the movie.
His friend was about to get married. Then when he passed the old guy's house where he lives he saw him fell from the stairs and flowers ruined.
Then he took the old guy's gun and rushed to his dad's place with his friend and after arrival they fight and this and that. Then his friend died bcuz the gun was turned and pointed at him. Then his family was arrested all of them then also the boy was arrested.
The girl visited everyday at the prison and they met onetime then no more. But the girl kept comming daily.

Many yeqrs later
The boy is freed from prison he was like Paul Walker and got a call from his lawyer about the old guy's death.
The girl also got a called from the same lawyer about the same thing. The girl was like Sandra bullrock. She was married with a rich guy they live in a big house. Then she met paul at the old guy's house.

I hope this is enough information...hope you can help me find the movie

The Best of Me (2014)