Very sad drama about a young boy bullied


Registered User
So I'm trying to remember a movie's name. Here's what I remember.
Late 70s early 80's movie, maybe made for Tv only.
A young boy has an imaginary friend who is a young girl. He had no other friends. Anyhow, all I can remember is the ending, another boy (who is a bully ) visits him and he's looking at his baseball cards and when he leaves the room the bully steals cards from him. Then the boys father comes home with boxing gloves and has his son and this bully fight and the bully punches the boy in the face. Now the boy has a bloody nose and is all upset so he runs out of the house wanting to see his imaginary girl friend and he is in such a hurry he gets hit by a car and dies. Anyways, that's all I can remember, hopefully someone reading this can help me.
Thank you much


Registered User
Unfortunately I do not.