Movies that are only snapshots of a longer story


That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
I'm not even sure how to start this.

For context, I finally watched Manchester by the Sea last night as I noticed it on Amazon Prime. I was oddly disappointed. I enjoyed the movie, please don't get me wrong, but there were a few things that were off to me. Subtle things such as editing cuts, awkward scenes (ambulance bed?), clunky dialogue at times, etc. (As I type this, thoughts of Ice Storm come to mind, as a comparison. I need to find that one now to figure out why!) I don't think I came in with expectations as I really only knew the name and with only a very basic understanding on the plot: guy gets custody of nephew and stuff. I've never been disappointed in Casey Affleck, and while this movie did not change that, for some reason I just didn't really feel satisfied (on any level) with this one.

I don't want to get into the details as to why, here, because I'm still wrestling with my thoughts on it. I may have to watch it again in a day or two for a different experience. One thing that stood out to me though, was the soft ending, and that got me curious.

Can any of you think of other movies where the script seems to just be a glimpse of a longer-arcing story? Where the film alone gives the audience a glimpse of a character's day-to-day, without really following the character through to the end of his/her journey?

Off the top of my head, I can't think of one and that is pissing me off something fierce as I know I've seen several!! I do not really think Manchester by the Sea is that movie, but it comes close.

So my request: post any movies where we are introduced to a character or ensemble of characters, but we are only given a moment of their timeline. Ideally, without the character finding closure in the course of the movie. The story for us, is just a passing moment for them.

I guess I'll start with The Sunset Limited. This is quite literally a day in the life of two men. We can speculate where the story goes upon ending, so this may not really be in line with where I want this post to go, but it's a starting point.

MAYBE Twelve Angry Men. But now I'm concerned that I am placing too much weight on this type of movie. The story's timeline does not have to be limited to a day or two. These are just the only two examples that I can come up with to get the ball rolling.

I hope that with a large enough collection of references, I will find a few gems to chase down and watch.

Thanks in advance for any suggestions you may offer.

I would say Scarlett O'Hara in GWTW. We follow a long arc with Scarlett, but are left in limbo, if you like, as to what she will do next now that Brett doesn't give a damn.

When I read the title of this thread, I IMMEDIATELY thought Manchester By the Sea, and Gone Girl. I see they're both mentione. Dammit, now I have to think, and I can't, I'm in a rather single minded mood.

I feel like this movie was way too short for everything it was trying to do. Apart from Kate Winslet's dodgy accent, it was a solid movie from a director I dig, but it suffered not being either a LONG-assed movie or a miniseries.

That elusive hide-and-seek cow is at it again
Thanks for all the replies. I'll start tracking down a few of these.

Margin Call is one I'd add to the list. I had never heard of this movie and found it scrolling through Netflix at some point. I saw the cast and figured it would be good. I had no idea what it was about and it was brilliant to just experience it play itself out. The long developing tension that never really surfaced for release held me captive throughout. The trailer is useless and it gives too much away and repaints it as some thriller/drama that it is not. Blah. I hate even trying to talk about this movie because of what it is. >=\

This might just do nobody any good.
It makes a great statement about the film that There Will Be Blood features the story of a man dragging himself across a desert with broken leg off-screen and the story we do see is infinitely more interesting.