

I've got 5 ferrets, what other kind of crazy animals are out there on the forum?
"But that is just my opinion, likely to be as flawed as anyone elses"

Tyger, Tyger, Burning Bright
I have a pet tiger... but no one believes he is alive but me... everyone else thinks he's just a stuffed animal... they'll learn, he's a vicious beast... but also kinda soft and fuzzy... and oh yeah, he likes tuna sandwiches
The Divide by Zero Foundation - Where the real world ends... and mine begins

A system of cells interlinked
Cat, big cat. Weighs in at about 21 pounds these days, and he thinks he is a person.

Behold, the quintessential devil in these matters: MORTY

“Film can't just be a long line of bliss. There's something we all like about the human struggle.” ― David Lynch

Morty definitely has an attitude....

Let's see... I only have 3 dogs and 3 cats right now...
You never know what is enough, until you know what is more than enough.
~William Blake ~

AiSv Nv wa do hi ya do...
(Walk in Peace)

I don't have any the apartment owner don't want pets in his property.

These are my two dogs Mollie who's 11 and Shep. Shep's the young one in the front . Photo taken just after we got him this time last year when he was 6 months old - took him off someone who was getting rid of him cos he was 'too big' .

Morty is a gorgeous looking cat Sedai.

Put some photos up Caity! and Ravynn - can you get 5 ferrets still enough to be in one photo??

The People's Republic of Clogher
Seds, your cat looks like Cillian Murphy!

Chris - The first pet I can remember in our family was a big German Shep, an ex police dog. Here's a 33(ish) year old photo.

"Critics are like eunuchs in a harem; they know how the Tatty 100 is done, they've seen it done every day, but they're unable to do it themselves." - Brendan Behan

Tac he looks great..and is that you too? awww! I love GSD's they're so loyal.

Sorry Ravynn I can't see your pics , prob cos I'm not a myspace member? Can you put one up on Flickr ?

A system of cells interlinked
If you have the pic online on MySpace or something, simply call up the pic on your site, then right click it and click view image. Then copy the info from the address bar to your clipboard. Come to MoFo and, in your post, click the image button on the editor. Paste the link into the box and you are all set.

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
Cat, big cat. Weighs in at about 21 pounds these days, and he thinks he is a person.

Behold, the quintessential devil in these matters: MORTY

Gotta love those eyes...

Tatanka's Avatar
Certifiably troglodytic.
These are my two dogs Mollie who's 11 and Shep. Shep's the young one in the front . Photo taken just after we got him this time last year when he was 6 months old - took him off someone who was getting rid of him cos he was 'too big' .

Love GSD's. These are great...and nifty shot too.

Found a pic of my "sweet" kitty... Lucille...

And here's a pic of my unruly Lab, Jazzy, who just gives you this sweet innocent look when you tell her to stop doing something (usually chewing) and then goes right back to whatever it was ...

And this is the big baddie (I'm serious) whom my niece has renamed Sissy... and she answers to... so...

I'll see if I can run down a pic of the others...

uhuh Caity, I don't think I like the look in Sissy's eyes there! Jazzy is gorgeous! Labs are so butter wouldn't melt!

I'm not much into cats, but yours is very beautiful