Star Wars Thoughts


Movie Forums Squirrel Jumper
I would say ROTS is underrated and my fourth favorite after the original trilogy.

Over-hyped and over-discussed
Yep. It went from cultural phenomenon to cultural landmark to cultural kidney stone. At a certain point, you just want the damned thing to pass, but it won't.

Spielberg should have direct Jedi. None of the other films needed to happen.

Scarlett Johansson,Elizabeth Olsen,Tom Hiddleston
not a fan of star wars like i loved the old classic ones with harrison ford and carrie fish then the other ones with hayden and natalie portman and ewan and loved the mandoloren and loved star wars video games aswell.

I thought that some reasons for starting the series on episode IV were that right away people who were not in the know would start asking around and looking for the previous episodes and that would generate some sort of word-of-mouth hype. People inside the business would search for those unpublished pilot episodes or indie films that didnt exist. I also think this would add extra insurance on the possibility of making new Star Wars films because fans would anticipate the untold part of the story and it was like a promise that there was more there.

why is the Millennium Falcon singled out and pursued relentlessly by Darth Vader even to the point of sustaining incredible damage in an asteroid field, yet no other craft is being pursued?
The Falcon is the ship that knocked Vader's Tie fighter into spinning oblivion. Who knows how long he spent spinning in the void.

Also, he's Force sensitive and can sense where key players are located.

The Millennium Falcon team decides to go to Cloud City, but how does the Empire arrive right before they do?
Boba Fett has a subspace radio and let's the Empire know where the Falcon is heading. The Falcon is damaged and does not jump to hyperspace. Remember, they have to get the hyperdrive fixed when they get to Cloud City. So, the Imperial Fleet is MUCH faster right now (i.e., the have hyperdrive, the Falcon does not and must put around).

In Return of the Jedi, Solo and his team need to have the energy shield temporarily shut down so they can land on the moon of Endor. But why? The energy shield only surrounds the Death Star, not the entire moon. Couldn't they have just flown in from the other side of the moon and made their way around in the atmosphere to the landing place they needed? They landed covertly anyway. Then there would have been no need to risk commandeering a shuttle craft.
The whole planet is being watched. They were hidden in plain sight.