Rate The Last Movie You Saw


I agree with everything this gentlemen said, except the bold part!
I agree with both Markf and Neiba.. and I noticed they like to trash other's opinions of movies...
You're so dark, are you sure you're not from the DC Universe. - Deadpool 2

Care for some gopher?
Tartüff (D, 1925, Friedrich Wilhelm Murnau) -

No heavyweight among silent films but a very solid movie, nonetheless. The acting is great!
"Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room."

Master of My Domain
Inglourious Basterds (2009)

My thoughts posted in the HoF thread:

Inglourious Basterds (Tarantino, 2009)

As I mentioned before, this should have been made into a TV series instead of a single 2 hour 30 min movie. The world of the basterds is so large and interesting that it becomes its own weakness. It feels like something is missing, for example, the motives and origins of certain characters. Inglourious Basterds is a film that is very episodic, a film connected by the bloody highlights of a TV season, thankfully flowing well thanks to QT's writing, but nevertheless tends to have a pacing problem and is a bit spontaneous.

On the flip side, the acting shows immense flexibility and subtle comicness, whether it's the silly accent of Aldo Raine or the sly menace of Hans Landa. Speaking of Hans Landa, the first moment of flexibility in emotion is shown in the famous first scene, where a smoking of a pipe turns Landa into a true villain.

So the film starts of tremendously well, then starts to tumble down, but doesn't descend into a level of bad. It stays flat and has a few bounces due to some memorable conversations and actions. Overall a decent to good film that once again... should be made into a TV series, Please QT, I would watch every episode of it.


Care for some gopher?
Orlacs Hände (A, 1924, Robert Wiene) -

I think the story of this movie is terrific and the amazing soundtrack combined with the visuals and Conrad Veidt's performance make for an incredible atmosphere! But since i watched the 2008 Kino International version (20fps instead of 24fps), the movie is just too long (112 instead of 92 minutes). I think i'd rate the original version a 4 out of 5.

QT should do like Peter Jackson and release extended versions of his films later on, with the digital and physical releases... I hate how he tells us he actually had enough story in both Inglourious and Django to make a mini-series. I would gladly watch both!

Master of My Domain
QT should do like Peter Jackson and release extended versions of his films later on, with the digital and physical releases... I hate how he tells us he actually had enough story in both Inglourious and Django to make a mini-series. I would gladly watch both!
Agreed. Have you seen the CSI episode QT directed? To this day the repetitive traits of a dragging series transformed into brilliance by one talented man amazes me. Not only is QT mini series a good idea, but it also has good reasons.

Agreed. Have you seen the CSI episode QT directed? To this day the repetitive traits of a dragging series transformed into brilliance by one talented man amazes me. Not only is QT mini series a good idea, but it also has good reasons.
Unfortunately not.

Can you watch it without having been following the entire show?

Can you watch it without having been following the entire show?
Yes, you can. Most CSI episodes can be watched on their own. Tarantino did two episodes of one storyline.

Welcome to the human race...
QT should do like Peter Jackson and release extended versions of his films later on, with the digital and physical releases... I hate how he tells us he actually had enough story in both Inglourious and Django to make a mini-series. I would gladly watch both!
I think he wanted to make Basterds a mini-series in the first place but was convinced to keep it a film.

Last film...

Audition -
I really just want you all angry and confused the whole time.
Iro's Top 100 Movies v3.0

I, Robot (2004) 6/10

Most of the CGI is dated even though this movie came out only 10 years ago. There are some cool concepts but the people involved didn't know how to handle them. It's not terrible and it can be fun at times, but I can see this bugging a lot of people. It's just Hollywood making money with little effort put in.

The Others (2001)

I'm not a big fan of ghost story horror movies anymore because they mostly all seem alike. This one felt a bit different though. I loved how it sets things up and moves slowly; it's hard to tell it's a horror movie at first. Nice performances and well done. I think it's one of the best movies of it's type.

I just finished watching Lost in Translation and I cried. This is the first movie in a while that has really left an impression on me. Bill Murray and Scarlett Johansson are amazing together, wonderful acting, and with such small, understated speaking parts. Cinematography was beautiful. I'm sorry I'm going on and on.... but I LOVE THIS MOVIE.
Rate: A++++

Mad Max Fury Road 2015

Expected it to be a good film but not a great film. My favourite film this year. Worth the hype.
