Need help find a movie about a bear cub.


That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
Looking for the title of a movie about a bear cub who is accidently orphaned by the loss of his mother and has to survive on his own and endure the winter before he emerges from hibernation as a young bear in his own right to meet the challenges of nature. This story, I believe, was based on an actual occurrence, but was filmed as a narrative story as opposed to documentary style film. Hope that description is enough.
You have to think like a hero merely to behave like a decent human being.

That's okay. Nobody's perfect!
I think your right mark f. And yes my details were a little off. I remember liking the film though. After noticing the director's name of this movie, Jean-Jacques Annaud, I admire his work, such as Enemy at the Gates, Seven Years in Tibet, and The Name of the Rose and all the way back to his controversial 1976 film Black and White in Color. Thanks!