ID this Hong Kong film featuring a car with a tiny escape car inside


Usually my Google-fu is strong, but this one has me beat. It's a Hong Kong action film, early-1970s to mid-1980s.

I don't remember most of it except for the last action scene. There was a chase involving one (possibly two) protagonists trying to escape from somewhere mountainous and remote, so possibly a monastery. It seemed nice and sunny out, I don't remember any snow or heavy clothing.

Part of escaping involved making it over a bridge. A sports car, possibly white, was used. As it's crossing the bridge it becomes trapped or disabled in some way, requiring a plan B, which is what made this film so memorable: The driver gets into a little escape vehicle, like a go-kart, built into the car. A hatch opens on the back of the car and it comes shooting out, crossing the rest of the bridge. I'm almost certain it was jet-powered. It got away quickly.

Jet Li or Jackie Chan may have been in it, they showed up a lot in the Hong Kong cinema I watched when this mystery movie was screened. An organization called Asian Media Access would show a difeferent one every Friday at midnight at the Riverview Theater in Minneapolis back in the 90s.

I found a list of 150 movies they featured over the years, but many don't have plot summaries online, so it's tough to know if I've gone past it.

Wow, I hadn't remembered the details as well as I thought.

It was a silver (not white) sports car, with a motorized (not jet-powered) escape kart
There was a monastery after all, but the chase was urban. I was recalling other parts of the film that were in much more remote areas.
Thank you sir!