I haven't been able to find the real event this movie is based on: a former PM's junkie daughter in a gang invading homes and committing crimes. Does anyone have a clue?

Also, while searching the web I stumbbled upon this piece in which there's a mention of a film that caught my attention: The Trap (2014). There are lots of films with that name from that year, none of which seem to fit the description. Could anyone point me in the right direction?

Found footage movies are considered by many to be a relatively easy go-to for the independent filmmaker. At least, that can be the takeaway if you digest the vast quantity that are released each year. Since the days of The Blair Witch Project (and before that), everyone and his dog has had a crack at some shaky cam narrative; making its way into episodes of Doctor Who (Sleep No More), the Paranormal Activity franchise, numerous Asylum knock offs of said franchise (Paranormal Entity), and even faith based movies centred around the evils of pornography (2014’s The Trap). Most, if not all of them, nailing their colours to the mast of some kind of supernatural vessel.