Free Movies At The Library


You can't make a rainbow without a little rain.
The library near me has a small selection of DVDs, and mostly common movies. I have no idea how many DVDs we're allowed to borrow, or for how long because they've never had anything that I care about. I've asked about getting movies sent in from other libraries, but nobody there seems to know if they're allowed to do that.
If I answer a game thread correctly, just skip my turn and continue with the game.

It's worth mentioning that if one looks at their library there might not be that many DVD movies, but if you log into your library's website they should have a movie title search and then you can often draw movies from a number of libraries.
@Captain Steel and @Everyone else

Sadly we have no library around here. The good news is they are supposed to be going to build one but the bad news is I suspect I may well have died by the time they actually get around to it as we're still waiting for them to even start on the community swimming pool that was proposed and approved seven years ago