The everything paranormal/unexplained/bizarre/mysterious thread


The Hunt for a Multiverse...?


"For many, the multiverse conjures images of worlds where dinosaurs continue to roam, Nazis won World War II, and your evil twin is wreaking havoc somewhere. And yet, the multiverse isn’t just an accepted theory in modern physics, it’s almost unavoidable.

Take the theory of inflation as an example, which says that in the first split second following the Big Bang, the early universe ballooned outward to be at least a million billion billion times larger than it was. Although the theory is beloved by cosmologists (it fixes several problems with the Big Bang story), it comes with a caveat: Most theories of inflation predict eternal inflation. That means that not only did our universe balloon outward, but an infinite number of other universes did, too."

"I think when you use the phrase parallel universe, people imagine some sort of portal into the underworld or some other dimension,” says Matthew Kleban, an astronomer at New York University. Instead, he likes to think of a multiverse as a series of islands.

Take Hawaii, as an example. From Maui, you might not be able to see any other islands beyond the horizon. In fact, you might not even know they exist until an exotic tree — one that clearly doesn’t grow on your island — happens to land on your beach one day. Evidence of a nearby universe would be no different than stumbling upon that tree."

"It sounds wild. But the idea that we live in a multiverse — a cosmos where an infinite number of universes exist beside our own — is no longer confined to science fiction. It’s a respectable theory among scientists, so much so that some are on the hunt for proof of a nearby universe.

Now, scientists might be one step closer. A study recently submitted to “Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society” actually places the multiverse theory on firmer ground. Ruari Mackenzie, a graduate student at England’s University of Durham, took a deeper look at a region in the sky that’s so frigid and so large that most scientists don’t think it can be a statistical fluke. Instead, some astronomers think this so-called “cold spot” is an optical illusion produced by a lack of intervening galaxies. But Mackenzie and his colleagues found that those galaxies are no less dense than anywhere else in the universe, disproving that theory.

Believe it or not, the next reasonable explanation (so long as you don’t buy into the theory that it’s just a statistical fluke) is that the cold spot might be a bruise left after an ancient collision with another universe. There’s no proof — at least not yet. But a forthcoming map of the cold spot might let scientists nail down whether it is truly a footprint of another universe — a result that would turn our understanding of the universe on its head."

Read full article here

We've gone on holiday by mistake
The multiverse sounds like an awesome future holiday destination.

The Multi-verse is a very real and pretty highly respected theory at least now in Quantum Mechanics Theory -

It's not really crazy woo stuff anymore, although understandably it was when it was first proposed. The main theorist's reputation is increasing all the time - There's tonnes of examples of people not being fully appreciated in their time and i think he's clearly one whether he's right or wrong, i'd love to see who ours are. The worst thing is that ours are most likely people we aren't aware of because their work has been buried as fluff.

This is the most popular and probably logical theory -

When I was about 20 I had been staying in shelters but really wanted to get away from that life so I got all this camping equipment and started sleeping out in the woods, for some weeks I was happy and even felt more healthy, except quite lonely, still I decided I needed to get father away from civilization and more wild, I went to the Library, weighed up different places where I could go and picked on a place, I shan't say where, I went there and got off in a small town and within a few minutes I was out in the middle of nowhere on a country lane, suddenly I noticed it was getting dark, I had to find somewhere to set up, I was dead on my feet, I climbed over a dry walk and walked across a field, it was winter, freezing cold and the grass was like white ice, I found these woods and when I get into it, it was much thicker than I expected and with tree limbs scattered and bush and I don't know what but I was so tired I started kicking it all out the way making a space for my tent, it was really difficult, finally I had a flat space in this dense woods and set my tent up, it was almost dark, I was moving my stuff into the tent... writing this now my skin is prickling all over and there is a tear in my eye... I heard a small child's laughter and running footsteps... coming towards me!, I was literally frozen with fear, I remember feeling like my eyes were going to burst out my head they were so wide, the child ran straight past me, inches from me and away in the same trajectory, it's laughter and footsteps fading away, I was still frozen, I couldn't move and for a few seconds there was silence and I thought it was over

but then it happened again and again again and I was stuck in place, I was afraid to do anything.. after maybe 5 minutes I snapped, I started ramming everything I had in my bag, all I could hear was my own breathing and the sound of my heart beating, I had to block out the sound of the children who were not there or I would stop and then I was walking fast out the woods, I felt afraid to run, then I was out on the ice grass again looking back over my shoulder and then on the country road and back in the small town,, the sound of traffic and people was the best thing I ever heard
and I have been too afraid to camp alone ever since.

The Baffling Case of Don Kemp
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Source 2
Source 3

The whole strange case revolves around 35-year-old Donald Kemp, also called Don, who was a successful advertising executive on Madison Avenue, in New York City, living the good life before a fateful and debilitating car accident forced him into a lengthy rehabilitation. He found himself reviewing the course of his own life, and according to friends and family, Don became withdrawn and often expressed a deepening contempt for and disillusionment over the materialistic society he had so long been a part of. Whereas he had always been eager to be a player in the materialism-driven lifestyle of an ad exec in New York, he now found himself yearning for something quiet and simpler, and he began to seek to escape the hectic life of the bustling city and all of its possessions and cast off the shell of his old life.

The first thing he did was to quit his advertising job, after which he became increasingly absorbed with, and by some accounts obsessed by, writing a book on the assassination of Abraham Lincoln, that he would toil away on with every bit of free time he had, which considering the absence of his job was a lot. Still, he still often expressed dissatisfaction with being in New York. Perhaps it was because of this unhappiness and his desire to write his book in peace that prompted him to suddenly sell practically all of his worldly possessions and head out for Jackson Hole, Wyoming, way over on the other side of the country. It is known that he made it as far as Cheyenne, where he was reported as wandering about for several hours in a museum while keeping to himself and not talking to anyone, after which he left, forgetting his briefcase in the process, which would later be found to contain important things such as traveler’s checks and his diary. He would never reach Jackson Hole, and this would be the last time anyone reliably saw him alive.

The day after Don’s visit to the museum, on November 16, 1982, at around 10AM, highway patrolman Randy Teeters and his partner came across an abandoned SUV on a desolate rural stretch of highway surrounded by bleak prairies for miles around and with no human habitation in sight. The vehicle’s engine was still idling, its doors were wide open, and various items and clothing were found strewn about on the highway and the frozen winter ground around it. The only sign of the occupant was a single set of footprints that led off into the snow out into the empty prairie. The whole sight was eerie to say the least, and Teeters would say of the surreal scene:

Neither of us had seen anything like this. The vehicle was left forty miles from any town, on an off ramp, running, stuff strung out of it, the doors open, a relatively new vehicle, not one that someone would just leave. I have no idea what would inspire anybody to walk out through that prairie in the middle of winter. We considered possibly someone under medication that didn’t know what they were doing due to the medication, or being out of the medication, possibly that would affect him to the point of where they would just walk out into the middle of nowhere.

Since there was obviously someone potentially in a lot of trouble a search was immediately called for, and aircraft flew over the prairie scouring it for any sign of the driver of the vehicle, and in the meantime a look into the SUV showed that it belonged to none other than Don Kemp. Despite a thorough search of the area by air over flat, open terrain, the missing man could not be found, but there were various signs of him. One was a duffel bag containing items of clothing, soap, and a teapot. Another was an abandoned barn 6 miles off the highway, which held signs that someone had recently been there and had tried to start a fire without success, as well as three discarded socks. Other than that there was nothing. At the time authorities speculated that he had had some sort of mental snap and had wandered off, with Sheriff C. W. Ogburn expressing concern that Kemp was mentally unbalanced, and a deputy Rod Johnson, who had spent hours flying over the prairie looking for him, later saying:

I felt the guy was disorientated, and I felt that he didn’t want to be found. If he would’ve wanted to be found, he would have heard the aircraft, could have waved his arms, got our attention, gone up to a ridge, anywhere, and been sighted.

The search would drag on for the next three days, before a raging blizzard forced it to be called off. In the aftermath of the blizzard, with the absence of any other trace of Don Kemp, it was largely assumed that he had died in the storm. This did not sit well with Don’s mother, Mary Kemp, who adamantly insisted that her son had had no such mental issues and had had no reason to suddenly want to go wandering off into a prairie to leave all of his belongings and diary and notes behind. She refused to believe that he had simply died in the blizzard and was convinced that something terrible had happened to him, that he had been kidnapped or murdered, and that the duffel bag had been put there intentionally to merely make it look as if he had just wandered off. She would express doubt over the official theories by saying:

I was certain he was in a horrible jam. I just felt it, because this was so unlike my son. I knew that he hadn’t walked out there. I feel that he didn’t, and yet the sheriff kept saying that he was out there.

Perhaps she was right, as the case would get more bizarre when 5 months after the vanishing and the blizzard there was a report from someone claiming to have seen Don alive in Casper, Wyoming, around 150 miles away. The witness said that the man had been walking around at a traveling exhibit of Abraham Lincoln memorabilia. Shortly after this there was yet another sighting, this time by a bartender in Casper who was positive that the missing man had recently come into his tavern for a drink. Although these sightings could not be confirmed to have been Don Kemp, more mysterious clues would start to come in as well. At around the same time as these sightings, one of Kemp’s good friends, Judy Aiello, claimed that she had come home one day in April of 1983 to find a series of mysterious messages left on her answering machine that she claimed were from Don. Aiello was convinced that it was the voice of her friend, and that he was still alive. She would say of the strange messages:

I’m absolutely certain that it was his voice. And it was a very brief message, ‘I’d like to speak to you again, call me,” and a phone number. The next day I called, asked to speak to Don. A man answered the phone and said that Don was out. I’m convinced he holds the clue to what really happened to Don.

On another occasion she called this number again and a man answered to at first confirm that he was Don before changing his mind and saying he wasn’t. Since this was all such a promising lead in the case, the sheriff’s department decided to have a look at phone records to see if they could track down where the calls had come from, and it turned out that they had originated in Casper, Wyoming, which was spooky considering this was where the unconfirmed sightings of the missing man had taken place. The calls were further tracked down to an old trailer rented by a Mark Dennis, but the man showed no knowledge of anyone ever making such calls, that he had no knowledge of the calls, and told authorities that they had made a mistake. Even under extended questioning the man remained adamant throughout that he had no idea what they were talking about, and Capt. Mark Benton of the Natrona County Sheriff’s Department would say:

He told us on all occasions, in all interviews, that he had no knowledge of the phone calls and that he had not made the phone calls. I had an occasion to show him a picture of Donald Kemp and he said that he did not know Donald Kemp, had never seen Donald Kemp, and knew nothing of his whereabouts.

Don’s mother was nevertheless suspicious, and convinced that the man in the trailer had had something to do with her son’s disappearance, but when she confronted him about it he would either deny any involvement or simply hang up. Although the police extensively interviewed him, there was no evidence that Kemp had ever been in the trailer, nothing to link him to any sort of crime, no evidence to hold him on, and they eventually dropped him as a suspect, even when he rather suspiciously moved away 3 weeks after being questioned. Sheriff C. W. Ogburn, who had been present in the original search for Kemp, would say of the mysterious man in the trailer:

In all three times that I spoke with him, he was always very cooperative. And I have no reason to feel that the individual here in Casper had any knowledge of this man even being in Wyoming, other than these phone calls, and I don’t have an explanation for it and neither did he.

Oddly, it was found that, based on photographs, Mark Dennis and Don Kemp had had a striking physical resemblance in their high school years, although this is probably just coincidence. Regardless, there were no further calls, no further sightings of Kemp, and the case went cold again, that is until nearly 4 years after his initial vanishing, when some hunters came across his body just a few miles from where his abandoned vehicle had originally been found. Yet although the missing man’s ultimate fate was now known, the discovery would just add further strangeness to the whole mystery. For instance, the body was found out in the open in a place that had already been thoroughly searched, so where did it come from? Also, an official autopsy showed that there were no signs of foul play, so just what was going on here?

Making the whole thing even stranger is information that apparently popped up on the Unsolved Mysteries forum discussing the case by a commenter claiming to be Don’s sister. The commenter claimed that, while the authorities said there had been nothing strange about Kemp’s body, it had in fact been sent to the Smithsonian Institute to be analyzed and that they had found some intriguing things. One was that it was allegedly found that the body had suffered no damage from animals or scavengers, showed no signs of the damage from exposure that it would have incurred if it had been lying out on the prairie for such a long time, and there was not as much decomposition as one would expect either, if he had in fact died at the time of the vanishing. Indeed, the analysis supposedly showed that Kemp had only been dead for around a year. Another anomaly claimed by the commenter was that there was found a small hole bored into Kemp’s skull for unknown purposes. Is any of this true, and if so what significance does it all have? Although Kemp did indeed have a sister, was this commenter really her or not? It is unknown.

So what in the world happened to Don Kemp? The answer to that really depends on who you ask. Authorities more or less still officially think that Kemp froze to death out on that prairie in the blizzard, and that there was no foul play, but this does little to explain the unconfirmed sightings of Kemp in the years after, or the phone calls received by Judy Aiello. Don’s mother still thinks that her son was kidnapped, murdered, and then later dumped back onto the prairie, and that the man from the trailer, Mark Dennis, had had something to do with it. If this were true, though, then why would anyone want him dead?

Oddly, it seems that in the years after his disappearance and subsequent death, some of Don’s belongings were reportedly stolen, most interestingly notes, research, and work he had done on the Lincoln assassination. It also seems that several of the people who had been in possession of some of these documents apparently died under suspicious circumstances, such as a curator of Lincoln memorabilia who purportedly died in a motorcycle crash after receiving some of Kemp’s notes, and another man named Frank Carrington, who died in a mysterious house fire shortly after receiving some of Kemp’s research on Lincoln. It is thought by the more conspiracy-minded that this means that someone did not want Kemp to write his proposed book, perhaps because he had found some revelatory information about Lincoln that someone did not want the world to know about. In this theory, whoever was trying to cover up this information had had Kemp silenced before going about trying to destroy all of his research. Could this be true, and if so was Mark Dennis involved in it? No one knows."

A bit of sensationalism, perhaps? I went with this article because it seems to have all the information compared to unsolved. Though, it's said the information from his supposed sister is just a hoax.

16 Psyche

"NASA has green-lit a plan to send a probe to a strange metal asteroid called 16 Psyche, which experts think could be the core of an ancient planet, stripped bare of its original surface and outer crust.

16 Psyche, which sits in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter, is unlike anything else in our Solar System, and that means it could have plenty to reveal to researchers about how the earliest planets orbiting the Sun formed.

"This is an opportunity to explore a new type of world – not one of rock or ice, but of metal," says Elkins-Tanton. "16 Psyche is the only known object of its kind in the solar system, and this is the only way humans will ever visit a core. We learn about inner space by visiting outer space."

In other words, the mission could help tell us what Earth's core is like, without the need to drill down thousands of kilometres into our own planet.

We've known about 16 Psyche since 1852, but this is the first opportunity where we'll get a close look at it. Measuring more than 200 kilometres (124 miles) in diameter, indications are that it's mostly made up of iron and nickel.

Scientists think 16 Psyche could've once been a planet the size of Mars, but that a series of violent collisions with other objects in the Solar System whittled it down to just its core.

What's more, it could've been around in the very earliest days of the Solar System, just 10 million years after the birth of the Sun, and so could hold clues about how the planets evolved and formed their layers more than four billion years ago.

After zooming past Mars, the uncrewed Psyche probe should reach the metal asteroid that it shares a name with by 2030. From there it will spend 20 months in orbit, taking snaps of 16 Psyche, and measuring its composition, plus the strength and gravity of its magnetic field.

Part of what makes the Psyche mission so exciting is that we know so little about the asteroid right now. Just last year, observations from the NASA Infrared Telescope suggested that water or hydroxyl could be present on the surface of 16 Psyche, something the probe should be able to confirm."

The Disappearance of Ronald Tammen

"Tammen was last seen in old Fisher Hall, a former Victorian mental asylum converted to a dormitory at Miami University in Oxford, Ohio on April 19, 1953. He was a resident hall advisor at Fisher Hall, and lived in room 225. At 8:00 p.m., he requested new bedsheets because someone had put a dead fish in his bed.

Sometime around 8:30 p.m., Tammen apparently heard something outside his room that disturbed him, and went out into the hallway to investigate. He never returned. His roommate came in at 10:00 p.m. and found him gone. The roommate originally assumed Tammen was spending the night at his Delta Tau Delta fraternity house, and did not report his disappearance until the next day.

There is no indication that Tammen left of his own accord. His clothes, car keys, wallet, identification, watch, high school class ring and other personal items were left behind in his dormitory room, and he also left the lights on, the radio playing, and a psychology textbook lying open on his desk. His gold 1938 Chevrolet sedan was not taken from its place in the school parking lot, he left his bass fiddle in the back seat of the car, and he left behind $200 in his bank account. Tammen is believed to have had no more than $10 to $15 on his person the night he disappeared, and was not wearing a coat. However, authorities have not found any indication of foul play in Tammen's disappearance either. They do not believe he could have been forcibly abducted, as he was large enough and strong enough to defend himself against most attackers. They theorize that he could have developed amnesia and wandered away, but if that was the case he should have been found relatively quickly.

A woman living outside of Oxford, twelve miles east of the Miami University campus, claims that a young man came to her door at 11:00 p.m. the evening Tammen disappeared and asked what town he was in. Then he asked directions to the bus stop, which she gave him, and he left. However, the bus line had suspended its midnight run, so he could not have gotten on a bus. The witness says the man she spoke to was disheveled and dirty and appeared upset and confused. He was not wearing a coat or hat, although it was a cold night and there was snow on the ground. He was apparently on foot, since the woman did not see or hear a car. The man matched the physical description of Tammen and was wearing similar clothes, but it has not been confirmed that they were the same person, and Tammen's brother stated he did not believe the man the witness saw was Tammen.

Five months to the day before Tammen vanished, he went to the Butler County Coroner's office in Hamilton, Ohio and asked for a test to have his blood typed. The coroner claims that this was the only such request he ever got in 35 years of practice. It is unknown why Tammen wanted the test done and why he did not have it conducted in Oxford, where local physicians or the university hospital could have typed his blood for him. Tammen was scheduled for a physical examination by the Selective Service for induction into the army, but inductees did not need to know their blood type in advance of the physical.

Tammen's parents, who lived in the 21000 block of Hillgrove Avenue in Maple Heights, Ohio in 1953, last saw him a week before he disappeared and say he did not appear to be troubled by anything at the time. He was on the varsity wrestling team in college, played in the school dance band, and was a business major and a good student. He dated at the time that he vanished but did not have a steady girlfriend.

In the decades after Tammen's disappearance, students at Miami University claimed his ghost haunted Fisher Hall. His parents are now deceased. Fisher Hall was torn down in 1978 and an extensive search was conducted in the rubble for Tammen's remains, but no evidence was located. His case remains unsolved."

The Accidental Creation of An Invisible Wall?

"David Swenson of 3M Corporation describes an anomaly where workers encountered a strange "invisible wall" in the area under a fast-moving sheet of electrically charged polypropelene film in a factory. This "invisible wall" was strong enough to prevent humans from passing through. A person near this "wall" was unable to turn, and so had to walk backwards to retreat from it.

This occurred in late summer in South Carolina, August 1980, in extremely high humidity. Polypropelene (PP) film on 50K ft. rolls 20ft wide was being slit and transferred to multiple smaller spools. The film was taken off the main roll at high speed, flowed upwards 20ft to overhead rollers, passed horizontally 20ft and then downwards to the slitting device, where it was spooled onto shorter rolls. The whole operation formed a cubical shaped tent, with two walls and a ceiling approximately 20ft square. The spools ran at 1000ft/min, or about 10MPH. The PP film had been manufactured with dissimilar surface structure on opposing faces. Contact electrification can occur even in similar materials if the surface textures or micro-structures are significantly different. The generation of a large imbalance of electrical surface-charge during unspooling was therefore not unexpected, and is a common problem in this industry. "Static cling" in the megavolt range!

On entering the factory floor and far from the equipment, Mr. Swenson's 200KV/ft handheld electrometer was found to slam to full scale. When he attempted to walk through the corridor formed by the moving film, he was stopped about half way through by an "invisible wall." He could lean all his weight forward but was unable to pass. He observed a fly get pulled into the charged, moving plastic, and speculates that the e-fields might have been strong enough to suck in birds!

The production manager did not believe Mr. Swenson's report of the strange phenomena. When they both returned to the factory floor, they found that the "wall" was no longer there. But the production workers had noticed the effect as occurring early in the morning when humidity was lower, so they agreed to try again another day. The second attempt was successful, and early in the morning the field underneath the "tent" was strong enough to raise even the short, curly hair of the production manager. The "invisible wall" effect had returned. He commented that he "didn't know whether to fix it or sell tickets." - Read more here

Video of Static Electricity generated from a Poly film roll:

Sonic Attacks in Cuba

"A higher number of US and Canadian diplomats and their families are believed to have been attacked by a mystery sonic weapon in Havana than was initially reported, CNN has learned from two senior US government officials.

More than 10 US diplomats and family members received treatment after the months of harassing attacks, which began in mid-November 2016 and stopped this spring, said the US officials, who did not want to be identified because of the sensitive nature of the attacks and ongoing investigation.

Two US diplomats who were treated in the United States suffered long-term injuries including hearing loss as a result of the attacks and were unable to return to Cuba, three US government sources told CNN. Additional diplomats opted to leave their assignments in Cuba early, as a result of the harassment, the two US government officials told CNN.

In June, five Canadian diplomats and family members reported experiencing symptoms consistent with the attacks, the US government officials told CNN, which would mean further attacks were carried out at the same time Cuban officials were investigating the incidents.

"We are aware of unusual symptoms affecting Canadian and US diplomatic personnel and their families in Havana," Canadian spokesperson Brianne Maxwell said in a statement earlier in August when it was first revealed that Canadian diplomats had also been attacked. "The government is actively working -- including with US and Cuban authorities -- to ascertain the cause."

In some of the attacks a sophisticated sonic weapon that operated outside the range of audible sound was deployed either inside or outside the residences of US diplomats living in Havana, according to three US officials.

The weapon caused immediate physical sensations including nausea, headaches and hearing loss.

Other attacks made a deafeningly loud sound similar to the buzzing created by insects or metal scraping across a floor, but the source of the sound could not be identified, the two US officials said.

Some of the diplomats were attacked by the mystery weapon late at night in their homes while they were asleep, the officials said.
" - Read more here.

Message warning of the Apocalypse in California?

"Television broadcasts in Southern California were interrupted late Thursday morning with an end-of-the-world prediction, startling viewers and setting off a firestorm on social media.

Erin Mireles told the Orange County Register that she was watching Bravo on Spectrum when the alert appeared.

“I was definitely startled, ’cause the volume increased exponentially,” she said. “I wasn’t alarmed in the sense of thinking something was wrong, ’cause I assumed it was some sort of hack,” she said.

A man’s voice could reportedly be heard saying: “Realize this, extremely violent times will come.”

One person said the voice sounded like Hitler.

A spokesman for Cox Communications told the paper that the problem occurred because one or more radio stations conducted an emergency test.

With these tests, an emergency tone is sent out to initiate the test,” Joe Camero told the paper. “After the tone is transmitted, another tone is sent to end the message. It appears that the radio station (or stations) did not transmit the end tone to complete the test.

The report said it was unclear if the alert had anything to do with the Christian numerologist who recently claimed the world will end Saturday when a planet will, supposedly, collide with Earth.

According to Christian numerologist David Meade, verses in Luke 21:25 to 26 signify that recent events, such as the recent solar eclipse and Hurricane Harvey, portend the apocalypse.

The verses read:

“25: There will be signs in the sun, moon and stars. On the earth, nations will be in anguish and perplexity at the roaring and tossing of the sea. People will faint from terror, apprehensive of what is coming on the world, for the heavenly bodies will be shaken.'

"'26: Men’s hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.'

Saturday's date, Sept. 23 was pinpointed using codes from the Bible, as well as a "date marker" in the pyramids of Giza in Egypt."

A crafty, determined bunch. Well played, doomsdayers, well played.

See you Sunday!

Mysterious dig in Turkey?

"A mysterious excavation in a house in the southern town of Tarsus ended Friday, a year after it started. Still, authorities, who were tight-lipped during the course of the dig guarded by elite police units, did not issue a statement, to the chagrin of conspiracy theory pundits.

The dig has been rife with speculation and provided fodder for conspiracy theories as police installed tall tarpaulin fences around the site to prevent even a peek by curious bystanders and denied access even to a lawmaker who tried to enter the site five times.

With no official explanations, everyone offered a theory on what might be underneath the house, from an ancient treasure to a lost Bible and even the remains of extraterrestrial beings. The most plausible theory was an underground city discovered in this town whose history dates back to the Roman Empire.

Police officers with automatic rifles left the site on Friday and fences were removed, only to reveal soil covering the holes dug by workers. Plainclothes policemen on the street left later.

Media outlets reported that workers dug as deep as 15 meters before the underground water made it impossible to dig further."

Most interesting man in the world
I wouldn't call things that haven't been proven / fully explained "paranormal or supernatural"
EVERYTHING that EXISTS is normal people just like to slap a label on things...
if it exists then its normal if it doesn't then it just DOESNT exist
it doesn't matter if you believe in anything or not,if it exists then it exists...

I certainly DO NOT credit or dis-credit : ghosts,aliens(friendly or hostile *same with ghosts),
ESP,alien abductions,out of body expierences,NEAR death expierences,being in suspended
animation,ENTERING heaven / hell ALIVE,deities,UFOS,other dimensions,etc

do your own homework about everything,check out things for yourself,
dont just take a persons word for things,there are stuff YOU need to see for yourself

why is there TONS of people ALL OVER the world sharing stories about EVERYTHING I listed ?
and through out history ? people like this put themselves at risk at : being laughed at,
called "crazy" , "drunk" or "on drugs / high" the brave speak out and are often
"reported" to be "missing" / or silenced

why do these people take these risks when coming forward about things like this ?
it doesn't make sense ... but there are those who invent stories to gain attention & money,etc

the truth already is /,has been for centuries (wutever it may be)

if an apple falls off a tree,but no one is around to see/hear it
did the apple fall ? did it make a sound?

I've written before about all the "rules" ghosts allegedly follow - we have this set of concepts about "ghosts" based on a standard issue of attributes they supposedly follow. So where did everything we think we know about ghosts come from? From 19th century con-men and women who engaged in the fad of "spiritualism" and posed as mediums and psychics in order to bilk the grieving & gullible.
Just remember this next time you see some jerk walking around with green night vision cameras on your TV going "did you hear that?"

Now let's get down to talking about something real... Bigfoot!

Mysterious dig in Turkey?

"A mysterious excavation in a house in the southern town of Tarsus ended Friday, a year after it started. Still, authorities, who were tight-lipped during the course of the dig guarded by elite police units, did not issue a statement, to the chagrin of conspiracy theory pundits.

The dig has been rife with speculation and provided fodder for conspiracy theories as police installed tall tarpaulin fences around the site to prevent even a peek by curious bystanders and denied access even to a lawmaker who tried to enter the site five times.

With no official explanations, everyone offered a theory on what might be underneath the house, from an ancient treasure to a lost Bible and even the remains of extraterrestrial beings. The most plausible theory was an underground city discovered in this town whose history dates back to the Roman Empire.

Police officers with automatic rifles left the site on Friday and fences were removed, only to reveal soil covering the holes dug by workers. Plainclothes policemen on the street left later.

Media outlets reported that workers dug as deep as 15 meters before the underground water made it impossible to dig further."
I don't mean to rag on you guys but I love how the "theories" are the most stereotypical answers given by people into this stuff.

Lost bible treasures and aliens. It's always lost bible treasures and aliens.

The amount of stories about ghosts and aliens and whatever are more indicative of them not existing if anything since there's zero hard proof despite there being so many incidents over such a long time.

if an apple falls off a tree,but no one is around to see/hear it
did the apple fall ? did it make a sound?
I always like answering this question. No, it didn't make a sound. Sound is subjective. Sound only exists in the presence of a receiver. The apple made a vibration (we know this from physics), but if there was nothing there for the vibration to reverberate off of (such as an animal's eardrum, connected to a brain that can process and discern sound), then no "sound" occurred.

As far as if the apple fell - we know that apples eventually all fall under normal / general circumstances (as the stem weakens through it's growth cycle to the point where gravity pulls it to the ground), so if it's on the ground, it fell or had it's falling hastened by an animal, or was carried down from the tree by an animal.

I don't mean to rag on you guys but I love how the "theories" are the most stereotypical answers given by people into this stuff.

Lost bible treasures and aliens. It's always lost bible treasures and aliens.
Lost bible treasures are obviously ludicrous since everyone knows none of that stuff ever happened in the first place, by why are you dissin' on aliens?

I don't mean to rag on you guys but I love how the "theories" are the most stereotypical answers given by people into this stuff.

Lost bible treasures and aliens. It's always lost bible treasures and aliens.
When wikileaks comes out with documents proving it was baby Jesus' pacifier or an Alien's gaming system, you're gonna feel really stupid, Swan.

The amount of stories about ghosts and aliens and whatever are more indicative of them not existing if anything since there's zero hard proof despite there being so many incidents over such a long time.
Should point out i believe Aliens most likely do exist i just don't believe they've visited earth. They could be anything, lesser beings than us or superior beings, there could be both. Maybe we can't comprehend them or their environment and if we came across them it'd be like the trippy scenes from 2001

When wikileaks comes out with documents proving it was baby Jesus' pacifier or an Alien's gaming system, you're gonna feel really stupid, Swan.