Iran vs Israel


Here's the thing. I'm know this isn't a popular position but I'm simply advocating for an end to ALL the killing in the world. This little situation here would be a great place to start. I read Steel's posts. I read yours I just feel like we get farther and farther away from that. You guys are just so certain that violence and only violence is the answer. You're so justified too. I don't care how small they are. I don't care how gay they are (although, you're right, that is a pretty cool fact about Israel. Thanks) it doesn't matter. They are the only ones doing the killing right now. If you can't even admit that, then you're not watching the news at all then are you?

And by the way.... where's all the footage of the riots? How come its so easy to find footage of people getting shot but not all of the horrendous rioting and using loud speakers, urged their brainwashed zealots into a suicide attack ? That should be easy to find. If I was a religious zealot I'd have my sh*t all over youtube. I get that you believe what you believe but is there a chance that maybe you've got it wrong and there's a way all this killing can stop?
We are both the source of the problem and the solution, yet we do not see ourselves in this light...

Here's the thing. I'm know this isn't a popular position but I'm simply advocating for an end to ALL the killing in the world. This little situation here would be a great place to start. I read Steel's posts. I read yours I just feel like we get farther and farther away from that. You guys are just so certain that violence and only violence is the answer. You're so justified too. I don't care how small they are. I don't care how gay they are (although, you're right, that is a pretty cool fact about Israel. Thanks) it doesn't matter. They are the only ones doing the killing right now. If you can't even admit that, then you're not watching the news at all then are you?

And by the way.... where's all the footage of the riots? How come its so easy to find footage of people getting shot but not all of the horrendous rioting and using loud speakers, urged their brainwashed zealots into a suicide attack ? That should be easy to find. If I was a religious zealot I'd have my sh*t all over youtube. I get that you believe what you believe but is there a chance that maybe you've got it wrong and there's a way all this killing can stop?
That's a great idea, PW.

Now if you can just find a way to convince the ideologies that embrace killing as sanctioned by their god to establish supremacy over all others, maybe we can make some headway (not to mention getting rid of homicidal ideation, envy, jealousy, crimes of passion, sadism, mental illness that leads to violence, substance abuse & addiction that leads to violence, bigotry, prejudice, phobias, fascism, racism, territorialism, avarice, totalitarianism, tyranny, hatred, intolerance, greed, hunger, poverty and the desire for power & recognition).

You can't win an argument just by being right!
Borders are a man made construct. I said at the beginning it doesnt matter which side of the fence

first stone pebble, bone or bomb came from. Its a faery line in the sand and nothing more. Policians just use these lines during peace time to play a game of chess for shts and giggles, and more importantly, greed. Squabbles on an internetboard achieve what exactly?

Their "border"?

Israel's territory has grown far beyond the original 1947 United Nations partition:

By the way, in 2013, out of 169 UN countries who voted for Israel to return to it's planned 1947 borders only Israel, US and Canada plus 3 small island nations voted no.

One of the main reasons why there is still no peace in the area is because Israel refuses to recognize Palestinian lands and continues to advance it's occupation over lands the United Nations set for Palestine.
Who started the wars where this land was won from? Not to even mention how much was given back by Israel, such as the valuable Sinia Penninsula. Look at how much US territory has grown since the revolutionary war
Yeah, there's no body mutilation in it

Borders are a man made construct. I said at the beginning it doesnt matter which side of the fence

first stone pebble, bone or bomb came from. Its a faery line in the sand and nothing more. Policians just use these lines during peace time to play a game of chess for shts and giggles, and more importantly, greed. Squabbles on an internetboard achieve what exactly?
They provide a sense of interconnectivity to those existing in the outside world beyond our own individual minds as well as an exchange of ideas, information and opinions that may help expand our own points of view?

Wow. Just wow. Talking about defending yourselves with bullets againt people with rocks and kites. Just wow.
Dont take a rock to a gun fight

Japan didn’t use nukes at Pearl Harbor, but sometimes the reaction has to be strong if you want to protect your soveirgnty

Hominids have been throwing rocks at each other in this region since our species first migrated to this cross roads between two continents. And there has been conflict here since the very first walls on earth were constructed in Jericho. This is an age old issue and it certainly isnt going to be solved with a clown like Trump in office. But frankly its not likely to be solved permanently no matter who is in power. We certainly wont see "Peace" in the middle east in our lifetimes. The only thing that will bring about change is a differing perspective on who exactly is the enemy. We (the US) are best buddies with Germany and Japan now. Despite some pretty vicious wars against them in the last century, more than one against Germany. But within a generation that completely changed. Why? Because we both found other people to hate together. Its how humans make "peace"....
Farewell and adieu to you fair Spanish ladies...

Dont take a rock to a gun fight

Japan didn’t use nukes at Pearl Harbor, but sometimes the reaction has to be strong if you want to protect your soveirgnty
You are absolutely right. F*ck those guys. I think you just converted me.

You are absolutely right. F*ck those guys. I think you just converted me.

Well schucks, after watching your videos I became an adamant supporter of Hezbollah- where do we go from here?

Well schucks, after watching your videos I became an adamant supporter of Hezbollah- where do we go from here?
And of course you fail to even get my point. Israel is doing all the killing, right now. Israel has all the military, right now. You seem to have a really hard time just admitting what is actually going on on the ground there, right now. I get it, you've taken a side and I guess you think I'm on the other side. In reality I'm just wondering if you can even admit what's happening there. Right now.

What do you think of this? I admit I'm no expert and I'm really trying to just see on both sides of this thing. This was good, I thought.

Who owns Jerusalem?

Okay, so what should they have done?
Should they have just stood by and let them in to start murdering people in the streets?
When I read the news they said this:

"Israel's army killed 50 people protesting."

I don't remember reading it was a militia trying to invade Israel and commit terrorist acts. Did they try to kill anybody? I think you are being extremely prejudiced against the Palestinians here, that's called bigotry.

Reading about what happened makes it quite obvious: some Gaza strip people steeped near the border of their tiny "prison-like enclave" and the Israeli military took advantage of that to shoot down the "invaders". That's like gunning down Canadian protesters who come near the border into the US because they might be "invading".

That's like gunning down Canadian protesters who come near the border into the US because they might be "invading".
Yeah, it's nothing like that, given that Canadians are not constantly threatening to annihiliate us and that we have approximately zero instances of Canadians hurling grenades at us from crowds of civilians.

You don't have to agree with everything Israel does, but if an argument just pretends that they're not under constant attack, and that "demonstrations" haven't turned violent on them literally hundreds of times already, or that their enemies are notorious for hiding amongst civilians, or that the land taken was not first used as a staging ground to destroy them...then it's just not a serious argument.

Yeah, it's nothing like that, given that Canadians are not constantly threatening to annihiliate us and that we have approximately zero instances of Canadians hurling grenades at us from crowds of civilians.

You don't have to agree with everything Israel does, but if an argument just pretends that they're not under constant attack, and that "demonstrations" haven't turned violent on them literally hundreds of times already, or that their enemies are notorious for hiding amongst civilians, or that the land taken was not first used as a staging ground to destroy them...then it's just not a serious argument.
Palestinian civilians protesting on the border are not the same as military gathering for an invasion. Thinking that all Palestinians might be terrorists is bigotry.

I don't think the possibility of having terrorists mixed in the protesters could remotely justify attacking thousands of protesters with military weapons injuring thousands and killing dozens of innocent civilians, unless they went really DEEP inside Israel's territory and did that while being a cohesive group.

In my opinion Israel should have used riot police. With a few snipers in case they identified people who were armed with firearms. Instead they just sent the armed forces and crushed the protesters like they were an enemy military.

Finally, Hamas is the one who won with this: now the people in the Gaza Strip will hate Israel even more and hence they will be able to recruit a huge number of terrorists. Of course they encouraged the protests: they knew Israel's armed forces are trigger happy so they know blood was going to flow and Israel's reputation would be tarnished. Israel's armed forces was just dancing according to the Hamas' song.

By the way, Canada already invaded the US in the war of 1812.

Palestinian civilians protesting on the border are not the same as military gathering for an invasion.
Agreed. But it's a lot closer to that than it is to civilians from an allied nation waving from across the border.

Thinking that all Palestinians might be terrorists is bigotry.
What about Palestinians that gather to protest you along the border? What about the ones that gather to protest you and yell chants about how they hope you die? What about the ones that gather to protest you and yell chants about how they hope you die and start throwing rocks at you? Please let me know the exact point that computing the probability that you might be hurt becomes bigotry.

I mean, I don't think all drivers are maniacs, but I still look before I cross the street. And keep in mind, for this analogy to be fair, I'd have to have already been hit by a car hundreds of times, by drivers who said "we really want to hit you with our cars" and then dug tunnels so they could sneak into their cars while I wasn't looking and also tried to hit other people who belonged to my ethnic group with their cars and drove alongside other drivers so it'd be harder for me to figure out which car was about to hit me.

I don't think the possibility of having terrorists mixed in the protesters could remotely justify attacking thousands of protesters with military weapons injuring thousands and killing dozens of innocent civilians, unless they went really DEEP inside Israel's territory and did that while being a cohesive group.
Correct, it doesn't, but I'm guessing this summary is probably under dispute. Literally every time something like this happens Palestine says "they were just protesting peacefully" and Israel says "they were trying to hurt us" and everyone believes one side or another out of pure reflex, even though there are enough dead people to prove that the second claim is definitely true at least some of the time.

What do you think the protocol should be in these situations, exactly? It's pretty easy to wait until something spirals out of control and people die and then pick apart what should have happened. It's a wee bit harder to design rules of engagement that protect all involved without giving absolute power to anyone willing to endanger civilians for their cause.

When I read the news they said this:

"Israel's army killed 50 people protesting."

I don't remember reading it was a militia trying to invade Israel and commit terrorist acts. Did they try to kill anybody? I think you are being extremely prejudiced against the Palestinians here, that's called bigotry.

Reading about what happened makes it quite obvious: some Gaza strip people steeped near the border of their tiny "prison-like enclave" and the Israeli military took advantage of that to shoot down the "invaders". That's like gunning down Canadian protesters who come near the border into the US because they might be "invading".
WHat the hell are you talking about? No one has even denied that many protestors started storming the border

You said you watch RT, right donnie? I am not the only person saying they should stop SHOOTING people.

I do watch RT- but I’m well aware of the bias even in the US affiliate (watch the Russian as well)