Judge Dredd Remake


Precious tritium is what makes this project go.
I'm actually really excited for this...which is surprising. Lets see if Karl Urban can lead a film.
Oxfords not brogues.

Dredd featurette with some new footage and background info for the uninitiated.

Can't wait for this now.

[EDIT] This can still be viewed at the bottom of the page here

We've gone on holiday by mistake
Sitting with a VERY EARLY 100% on RT. 9/9 fresh reviews.

Looks like I will be heading out to see this one.


Below article from 3d Focus.

dredd 3d – bbfc give it highest rating for violence and gore

aug 29, 2012

the british 3d sci-fi movie dredd 3d has been rated 18 by the bbfc, a rarity for a 3d movie, although no cuts have been made.

"frequent strong bloody violence and gore"

dredd is a sci-fi action film based on the popular comic strip set in a post-apocalyptic america in which law and order is maintained by the 'judges', who have the power to arrest and try suspects, as well as the right to carry out sentences, including execution. One of them, judge dredd, is sent into a tower block to investigate a series of murders.

with the exception of my bloody valentine 3d and saw 3d, most mainstream 3d movies have been aimed at family audiences so many cinema-goers will be delighted that dredd 3d has been passed without cuts.

according to the bbfc, the $45 million movie contains “frequent strong violence throughout the film, much of which is bloody and gory in nature, and some of which dwells on the infliction of pair and injury. For example, there is sight of a man being skinned alive and sight of a man's face burning and disintegrating.” the statement continues with “there is frequent use of strong language and frequent use of a futuristic and fantastical drug which has the ability to prolong pleasure. The drug is used for recreational purposes but also as a form of torture by the villains because of its ability to slow down the perception of time. However, because the drug does not actually exist, there is no endorsement of drug use in the real world.”

in america, dredd 3d was awarded the less restrictive r rating. With animation movies proving to be not such a popular 3d genre (brave only achieved 32% 3d box office sales) we expect 3d will be used increasingly for movies that feature scenes of shock value and horror.

filming for dredd 3d began in november 2010 in cape town, south africa and was produced by dna films. It is due to be released on september 7th in the uk and september 21st in america.


Not surprising it got an 18 rating here, thought that the first time I saw the trailer, especially with slo mo violence/'torture'. I'm happy with that rating.

At the cinema last night, and the more I see this trailer the movie excited I get for it coming out. I think this could be a surprise package.